Event Messages



Event Data


Events such as enter and button1 can also carry information about the event with them.

We can access the data by placing a keyword after the dollar sign.

For example, the userTrigger event enter carries with it the name of the user that entered.

Whe can access the user name only when the event happens:


myUserTrigger.when( enter, print($user has entered the trigger) )


Loops and Pendulums


A timer can be paused at any time by sending the stop message.

The direction the timer continues in depends on the message it receives, either forward or reverse.

The timer mode can be setup to repeat in one of two modes.

The loop mode behaves somewhat like a music or movie file, looping back to the beginning:


myTImer.when( end, start )


The start message always begins the timer at the front.

The pendulum mode behaves more like a swinging door or the wings of a bird, moving in forward and reverse:


myTimer.when( back, reverse )

myTimer.when( front, forward )

Dynamic Events


Most events are discrete events, meaning that they happen at a single moment in time (i.e. enter, exit).

Some events, called dynamic events, can happen over a period of time.

The timer node creates a dynamic event called changed and carries with it the current value of the timer node:


myTimer.when( changed, print(the current value is $value) )


The value of the timer node moves between the startValue and the endValue over the duration.

The default start value is 0.0 and the default end value is 1.0.