


“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” – Carl Jung


Perhaps we will show Jung wrong when we develop technology that lets us look into ourselves by looking outward – W.O.M.B.


What qualities do our vision senses require for immersion?


There are 8 depth cues that deliver spatial information in what we see:

  1. Occlusion (hidden surfaces)
  2. Perspective Projection (parallel lines meet at infinity)
  3. Binocular Disparity  (each eye sees a different view)
  4. Motion Parallax (due to head motion)
  5. Convergence (rotation of the eyes to view a close object)
  6. Accommodation (change of shape of eye to view a close object - focus)
  7. Atmospheric (fog)
  8. Lighting and Shadows

All of the above can be accomplished with current technology with the exception of accommodation - VRD

Stereoscopic Vision

The majority of our spatial clues do not require binocular disparity, in fact we only use it to gauge distance when objects are within a few feet of us.

There are 2 major techniques for delivering different images to each eye:

Projection Based Techniques

Head Mounted Techniques

Both techniques have advantages and disadvantages:

Projection Based Techniques

Head Mounted Techniques

What is the relationship to input?

The output of stereoscopic immersive display systems will only be as good as the tracking ability of the system.


Tracking Techniques















The InterSence IS-900 uses sound for accurate position and accelerometers for fast response