CS526 Project 2

IsoVol : Volume Rendering of Visible Woman


  1. Downloading the Data
  2. Features
  4. Build Instructions

Downloading the Data

    The dataset visualized is the 75MB version of the Visible Woman dataset. Details on getting the data can be found here: 



    The application has a GUI that allows control of the various ways to visualize parts of the Visible Woman dataset.  In particular, the application focuses on viewing the feet and head of the data.  Below are the GUI and the Visible Woman data shown using isosurfaces.


                                                                                figure 1                                                                                    figure 2


    The application focuses on two methods of volume rendering: isosurfaces and raycasting.  The isosurfaces generated comprise of skin and bone using the values 450 for skin and 1150 for bones.  When clicking on the Isolate Head or Isolate Feet buttons, a specific volume of interest will be focused on.  The parameters that can be adjusted are the resolution of the data and the transparency of the skin.  These parameters are general parameters that affect the rendering in isosurface and raycast modes.  Below is a 64x64 resolution data with differnent skin transparency in both isosurface and raycast modes.



                                                                                    figure 3                                                                                                    figure 4


    Raycasting can be done using MIP or composite functions.  The results of using composite can be seen in figure 4, and MIP can be see below in figure 5.

figure 5




The source code can be found here:  isoVolsrc.zip

A Windows XP binary can be found here: isoVol.zip



Build Instructions

    The following instructions are packaged with the source code.


    In order to build this project you will need Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 or .NET.

    The project is already setup to be compiled but the following libraries need to be installed and setup
    in the Visual Studio environment:

    - VTK 4.2.5 : Place all the include files from VTK into a folder called "vtk" and place that
    folder in the Visual C++ include directory. Then place all the static library files into the
    Visual C++ lib directory. This will make your life easier by not having to setup the paths
    in the Visual Studio environment

    - Quanta 0.2: Once again you can place all the include and library files in a similar manner to that done with
    the VTK files. You can use Quanta 0.3, but I can't say that the project will compile or not have any bugs 
    (i.e. I am not supporting Quanta 0.3 on this program).

    - FLTK 1.1.4 : This is needed for the GUI. If you desire to do the same thing as above then go ahead.

    If you would rather setup the paths correctly please go ahead and do so for the Quanta and FLTK paths. For the 
    VTK files, just follow the directions above.