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when we were thinking about what we wanted for the PARIS level, we knew right away that we'd be taking a lot of liberties changing the city. most of the other city levels in violentSeed kept a fairly similar feel to their real-life counterparts. for some reason, we just didnt want to do that with PARIS. i dont know, maybe we were bored with trying to make it look like reality, i mean the game DOES take place in the future. we thought it would be cool to have an upper and a lower city. the level begins over the upper city and you see stuff like the eifle tower and the siene river, and then the ground drops out from beneath you as you pass over into the lower city. the lower city consists of newer buildings which are VERY big and VERY tall. the buildings are so tall that you cannot make out the ground below, all you see are the tops of the buildings descending into darkness (the level takes place at night). occasionally, you also see elevated roads or hovering airship ports.
anyway, i had a lot of fun doing this level. it is the level that is most mine in the game, so im a bit partial to it.

here are some images from PARIS

lush, surreal gardens is how the level begins...


trying to kill the eifle tower


...another eifle tower shot


passing over the upper city

over the lower city

a landing pad for airships and some elevated roads


confronting the Arc de Triomphe
(that jerk)

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