Josephine Home Video

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The A Ha! Experience 1988 5  mins

"In The A Ha! Experience, the young woman returns to an apartment after saying good night to the man. In the bathroom, she removes her jewelry and her clothing, and it is not always clear when we are seeing her, or her image reflected back to her (and us) from the mirror. As she proceeds to her room, she describes her shock at seeing her mother in her bed. Zando juxtaposes two classical psychoanalytic scenes of recognition - the mirror stage and the primal scene. In both cases the identification of woman as object of desire is at stake."

Judith Mayne, "Julie Zando's Primal Scenes and Lesbian Representation," Quarterly Review of Film and Video, Vol 15(1), pp.15-22 

The A Ha! Experience has exhibited worldwide and is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art, NY. 

The A Ha! Experience was directed by Julie Zando. The tape was based on writing by Josephine Anstey.