CS527 Computer Animation Project 2 - AlphaBoids

Building models for the environment

I took a picture of legal pad paper with a digital camera, and then texture-mapped it to a y-axis flattened cube to make a piece of paper. About the letter, 26 letter images are created. As for the model, I create on template letter box model. And then using the shell script to replace related info inside the .obj file to create all series of different kinds of letter box models, which saves some time than creating them one by one. Modelling is done with Wings3D.

paper modelmodel letter
(ps. 2 images are in different scale. In reality, the letter box is much smaller than the paper model.)

Implemented using Electro

The code skeleton is based on Electro's 'viewobj' example code. User can use mouse to rotate around the scene and using keyboard arrow keys to move forward and backward, left/right keys to turn camera left and right, PageUp/PageDown keys to move camera up and down.


At the end of the project I found I spent most of the time getting familar with lua data structure, especially using 'table'. But once I got to be more familiar with it's actually really easy and handy to 'simulate' the C structure and object-oriented class concepts.

The main boid behavior is computed in Electro's "do_timer()" function. There are 5 rules implemented, including 3 basic rules: 1. Boids try to fly towards the center of mass of neighboring boids. 2. Boids try to keep a small distance away from other objects 3. Boids try to match velocity with near boids. Additional boundry and velocity limit rules are added to limit with-in range and reasonable boid moving velocity. One thing I found that might be a typo in the [2] pseudo code it that in its calculating vector c in order to let the boid moving away the other boid that is too close to itself, the equation should be "c = c + (bj.position - b.position)", in order to use vector c moving input boid bj away from near by boid b.

Courtesy of

Inspired by a neat game GridWars2, I try to add another rule to let boids follow a user controlled robot (with w/s/a/d to move aroud x-z plane). The rule is as simple as let each boid move 0.1% closer to the 'pod' bot every frame.

grid wars2bot
(gridwars2 screensht)

Input file format

The input file use a naive format , each line represent a letter with its initial position in x, y, z order. A sample input data file can be downloaded from here.


thumb screenshot

Download Electro project zip file

The Electro lua script along with object models and textures can be downloaded from here.

Q & A

Brian Uphoff:
You said that you wanted to model the behavior of the letter boids after the game Grid Wars 2.  I've never played the game but I thought your boid movement was unique.  The jitter and slow movement of the boids reminds me of the Atari game Asteroids where the enemies slowly move toward you as a group.  Was this your intention or was it simply a side effect of the behavior rules?

I never played Asteroids, but the the Wikipedia article, I guess it might be similar to Grid War. Yes, the idea is to let the basic flocking rules have heavier weighting than the goal rule (moving toward the player controlled actor). So the result looks like to boids are flocking together first and swarm toward the robot in groups because once the boids are in a group, the basic rules are kind of reach a "balance" static state. Then the goal attraction rule became the dominant pulling force of boids' movements.


2006 Fall by Julian Yu-Chung Chen