syn.aesthetic (2001)

An environment where the sonic input/traces of participants are used to create a three dimensional score/recording of all sound created in the room. Each sound created manifests itself as a virtual physical object based on the characteristics of the sound, such as volume, duration, position, direction, time, as though the sound had been made visible at its point of creation. Parameters gathered and interpreted from the sonic input will be used to create the objects.

This 'objectification' of sound is not a static recording. Actual sound data can be discarded, and select measurements of the original sound can be used to reconstruct the sound as interpreted by the environment. Participants/musicians will create and modify the shapes, material characteristics, and quality of all or select sounds in the environment to affect both the visual and auditory content of the room, effectively changing the context/content of the 'recorded' or 'sampled' sound through their own continued actions.

Additionally, these visible 'sounds' continue to 'live' on their own, changing their own form as time passes from their 'recording' date. The result will be an environment where auditory clues are abstracted and replaced by visual feedback; where each user can rewrite the score of the sound sculpture created in the room with their own sound, but only by using other senses to guide them. A created sound sculpture will be persistent unless erased, and the state of the room, the score of the sculpture, will be able to be saved to provide a snapshot of the creation, as a finished piece or a work in progress.