smoke derived from ygNode Example Source Header

Description: creates a rising plume of smoke

Category: Geometry
Author: Josheph Tremonti
Revision: 11/01/01

mode [missile | explosion | fire | smoke | dust] set smoke mode
density three floats set the smoke density, dissipation, and expansion
velocity two floats set the smoke velocity and turbulence
color three floats, three floats set the smoke begining and ending color
on turn the smoke on
off [bool] turn the smoke off

constructor smoke

destructor ~smoke

method reset

method message

1 set smoke mode
2 set the smoke density, dissipation, and expansion
3 set the smoke velocity and turbulence
4 set the smoke begining and ending color
5 turn the smoke on
6 turn the smoke off

method createSmoke

method app

method smokePreDraw

1 cast the traversal data as the smokeData structure

method smokePostDraw