2010 Project 4

Three Little Birds

Project due at 11:59pm Monday 11/22/10 Chicago time

This will be the third group project. This project is going to make use of a larger base dataset (at over 50 gig) and supplement it with a dynamic real-time data stream. The data will consist of tweets. This project will focus more on the data processing side - how do you find meaning in the wide variety of tweets, and condense a large source dataset into something that can be used in an interactive visual analytics tool.

This project will be more open-ended than the previous three giving each group more options in how you want to try to find meaning in this data.

The twitter7 dataset at stanford http://snap.stanford.edu/data/#twitter contains 475 million tweets from 17 million users from June through December 2009. Its broken up into seven files where each file is 1-3 gig of compressed text and up to 8 gigs when uncompressed. At 26 gigabytes the complete dataset starts to give you an idea of the kind of datasets that are common today.

The files are composed of lines like the following:
T       2009-12-01 00:00:31
U       http://twitter.com/emilyrecord
W       I wonder how often you think of me, if ever. Today is not a happy day.

This gives you the date and time of the tweet, the sender, and the tweet itself (which are mostly in English, but also in a variety of other languages and character sets). As you can see there are some easy ways to compress the data down, even in text ual form.

There are lots of people talking about lots of different things using twitter so there is a lot of background noise and the popularity of different topics can change rapidly. You should use this seven months of data to better understand the signal to noise ratio in twitter - what were the most common topics, and how did they relate to events in the news? How did the number of tweets vary with time of day or day of the year? Can you categorize users by how often they tweet? Can you link @usernames and #hashtags into networks?

Here is one starting point: http://blog.twitter.com/2009/12/top-twitter-trends-of-2009.html

The first part of the project is to organize that data into a browsable form and give the user a visual overview of this seven months of data from different perspectives, and let the user interact to investigate the data in further detail.

Given your experience with that dataset, the second part of the project will investigate at the stream of tweets flying by. The static dataset from 2009 only gives the time, user, and content of the tweet, but we can filter the dynamic stream in more ways.

One of the libraries available for processing is tweet stream which lets you receive tweets based on location, or keywords, or sender. Given the large number of tweets being sent, you won't be able to deal with the entire data set but will only be able to look at a small sample of the stream. Filtering by keywords or locations allows you to focus on the tweets you are more likely to be interested in. In part two you are going to look at what people are talking about in different locations. We will look at tweets from New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, or if you want a wider variety you could try London, Toronto, and Chicago. Sticking with predominantly English-speaking cities makes it easier to compare topics across different cities.

As with part one you should also investigate changes related to the time of day and day of the week, and see how the topics  in the dynamic stream relate to events in the news. In part 2 you should collect data on tweets coming from each of the three locations for at least a week. This way you have the general background knowledge from last year, current knowledge from the previous week, and be able to use that to help classify and compare the data currently flowing by.

The visualizations and interfaces for Part 1 and 2 should be well integrated

trendingtopics is a good place to look for topics which are currently gaining in popularity.

http://tweetstats.com/ is also a nice place to look for some initial data and there is a list of other possible starting points at http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/7_top_twitter_topic_trackers.php

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As with projects 2 and 3, each Friday each member of the team should post a description of what they did on the project to the project web site.

This time your group should also produce a 2 minute youtube video showing off the capabilities of your tool. The easiest way to do this is to use a screen-capture tool while interacting with the application, though you will most likely find its useful to do some editing afterwards to tighten the video up. Its also a good idea to have a video like this available as a backup during your presentation.

As with Projects 1-3 you should create a web page describing your work on the application. This time instead of embedding the processing applicaiton you should have a link so people can download your application (and the necessary data files) to run your application. Please make sure that your application is Mac / Windows / Linux compatible. If you can get your app to run online through a browser then do include that version as well. The web page should describe the contribution of each team member (ie who worked on which interface elements, who worked on converting the data into a more usable form, etc.)

Please send me a 1024 x 768 jpg image of your visualization for the web.
This should be named p4.<someone_in_your_groups_last_name>.jpg.

Each person in the group should also send me a private email ranking your coworkers on the project on a scale from 1 (low) to 5 (high) in terms of how good a coworker they were on the project. If you never want to work with them again, give them a 1. If this person would be a first choice for a partner on a future project then give them a 5. If they did what was expected but nothing particularly good or bad then give them a 3. By default your score should be 3 unless you have a particular reason to increase or decrease the number. Please confine your responses to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and no 1/3ds or .5s please. I will average out all these scores for projects 2 through 4 and keep them in mind when assigning final grades.

Each group will present their work to the class and describe its features to the rest of the class. This allows everyone to see a variety of solutions to the problem, and a variety of implementations.

Since we have six groups to go through in 75 minutes, each group will talk for 8 minutes plus 4 minutes for questions from the other groups. The presentation time should be evenly split among all members of the group. Each group sitting in the audience will be allowed one question for the group currently presenting, so come up with a good one. In answering the questions the group presenting should be concise so all of the other groups have a chance to ask questions.

last revision 11/3/10 - corrected the file sizes