2020 Project 3 - Saturday Night at the Movies

Team member choice due 4/7/20 at 8:59 pm Chicago time
Project final version due 4/27/20 at
8:59 pm Chicago time

Project 3 will be the second group project and the focus here will be on dealing with data files.

Given UIC moving to on-line courses, we will set a 1980 x 1080 touch-based display as the target platform.

You can keep your group from Project 2 or form new groups. Send Andy an email once you know your group for project 3 (even if it is the same as for project 2). Again the standard group size will be 1 - 3 people per group.
As with Project 2 you should very quickly set up a web page for your new group project and send the URL to andy. Each Friday of the project each team member should post on the project web site an overview of what he/she did on the project that week.

We are going to make use of the internet movie database (IMDB) and visualize information related to genres and plot keywords over 100 years of film.

The current IMDB does not make a lot of data available for free, but the IMDB from December 2017 did, so we are going to make use of those data files which are available from ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/misc/movies/database/frozendata/ among other sites.

It will take 2-3 gig to download the necessary files.

At that point you can start filtering the files using tools of your choice (grep, python scripting, etc.) Just be sure to document the process so it can be duplicated and automated. This means either keeping track of every tool and command you use, or writing a script that does all of it for you, so you could start with downloading these files and end up with the files you are going to use in your application.

The files we are interested in include:

The IMDB has more than movies, so you can start by removing a bunch of other things:

We are also going to limit the films in other ways:

Note that the name of a film plus its year is the unique identifier in the IMDB (films with the same name that came out the same year have modified years to differentiate them)

Also note that the certificates (G, PG, etc.) in the US have changed quite a bit over the years. Be sure to keep track of all of them (aside from the ones we have removed) and not just the current ones.

For a C you need to:

For a B you need to be able to combine data from the different files together and:

For an A you need to add:

Graduate Students need to:

In all of these case you need to make sure that your visualizations are well constructed with good color and font choices, proper labeling, and that they effectively reveal the truth about the data to the user

Note that as part of the web page part of the grade you will need to use your interface to show your findings, so make sure that the way your interface displays information is clear.

Again, your app will be evaluated running full screen with touch interaction on the classroom wall and should not require scrolling.

For this project you should host your solution using the evl shiny server. There are a new set of logins for this project in the form p3gX where X is your group number. You should use this new login for project 3 to preserve the time stamps on everything from project 2.

There are two deadlines for this project. By the first deadline you should have implemented the initial screen layout of your application and have the basic functionality allowing the user to perform an example of the various 'C' functionality on the target platform. This will make sure that your group is on track and that you can focus on making a good interface and set of visualizations, not just functional ones. Personally, I think you should have the entire C functionality done at that point if you are going for an A on the project as a whole. You should make this version of the interface available on your group project page.

As part of the final turn in you should create a set of web pages that describe your work on the project. This should include:

all of which should have plenty of screenshots with meaningful captions. Web pages like this can be very helpful later on in helping you build up a portfolio of your work when you start looking for a job so please put some effort into it.

Be sure to document any external libraries, tools, etc. that you make use of - give credit where credit is due for everything that you didn't create yourself.

You should also create a 2-3 minute YouTube video showing the use of your application including narration with decent audio quality. That video should be in a very obvious place on your main project web page. You will most likely find its useful to do some editing after capturing the video to tighten the video up. Its also a good idea to have a video like this available as a backup during your presentation just in case of gremlins.
You may want to shoot this video on the wall itself.

The web page including screen snapshots and video need to be done by the deadline so be sure to leave enough time to get that work done.

I will be linking your web page to the course notes so please send andy and sai a nice jpg image of your visualization for the web. This should be named p3.<someone_in_your_groups_last_name>.jpg. 

When the project is done, each person in the group should also send Andy a private email with no one else CC'd ranking your coworkers on the project on a scale from 1 (low) to 5 (high) in terms of how good a coworker they were on the project. If you never want to work with them again, give them a 1. If this person would be a first choice for a partner on a future project then give them a 5. If they did what was expected but nothing particularly good or bad then give them a 3. By default your score should be 3 unless you have a particular reason to increase or decrease the number. If you are giving a score other than 3 you need to say why. Please confine your responses to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and no 1/3ds or .5s please. Each person's score on the project will be based on the overall score for the group modified by these rankings.

Given UIC moving to on-line courses, we will not be able to have in-class demonstrations, so we will do the presentations on-line through blackboard. You can do by screen sharing a demo of your application or by talking over the video you created.

Project 3 groups:

1 Vijay Vemu, Kevin Kowalski, Samuel Kajah
2 Ho Chon, Brandon Graver, Nicholas Abbasi
3 Angela Timochina
4 Matt Jankowski, Charly Sandoval, Amber Little
5 Desiree Murray, Amy Ngo
6 Syed Hadi, Josh Rowan, Sean Stiely
7 Abdul Latif, Imaad Sohrab, Jaoudat Karime
8 Ansul Goenka, Parikshit Solunke
9 Aashish Agrawal, Ivan Madrid, Richard Miramonte
10 Prachal Patel, Zohar Sajith
11 ?

Note that group numbers are changing for project 3 and there will be new accounts on the shiny.evl.uic.edu server.

These new accounts will be in the form p3g#

current list of packages installed on the evl shiny server:

> installed.packages()[,1:2]  

last revision 4/20/2020 - updated groups

4/11//2020 - fixed some inconsistencies in the B requirements

4/7/2020 - fixed link by adding ftp://