Week 7

Privacy & Uncertainty

There is more and more data in digital form out there. Much of it is private, so there aren't many large public datasets to investigate. Most likely the data that you will be visualizing and analyzing will be from a specific project with specific rules on how it can be used.


We looked into some data that has privacy issues when we looked at the personal utility data back in week 2. Visualization is good for spotting patterns and outliers.

AOL search data release / fiasco regarding privacy concerns

20 million AOL queries ( 10 million unique) from 650,000 users from March 1st to May 31st, 2006
2GB of uncompressed tab-delimited files

G. Pass, A. Chowdhury, C. Torgeson,  "A Picture of Search"  The First International Conference on Scalable Information Systems, Hong Kong, June, 2006.

The authors do give a warning about sexually explicit language in the queries, but not about the credit card numbers and social security numbers:

"CAVEAT EMPTOR -- SEXUALLY EXPLICIT DATA!  Please be aware that these queries are not filtered to remove any content.  Pornography is prevalent on the Web and unfiltered search engine logs contain queries by users who are looking for pornographic material.  There are queries in this collection that use SEXUALLY EXPLICIT LANGUAGE.  This collection of data is intended for use by mature adults who are not easily offended by the use of pornographic search terms.  If you are offended by sexually explicit language you should not read through this data.  Also be aware that in some states it may be illegal to expose a minor to this data. Please understand that the data represents REAL WORLD USERS, unedited and randomly sampled, and that AOL is not the author of this data."

An article in the NY Times talks about using the data to figure out who user 4417749 is:


The data is still available on the internet. Once something appears on the internet there is going to be a copy of it stored somewhere. However there are serious ethical issues about using it, and disagreements about under what circumstances its use could be ethical.

We are going to conduct a similar search using the data on user
4417749 in class. You should create a new Jupyter Notebook, and use the cells in Markdown mode to document your search using typical internet tools (maps, search engines, phone number lookups). Note you can (and should) be able to drag and drop images into the notebook cells as well as text. You should spend about 30-45 minutes on this.

Here is a simplified pdf version of the user 4417749 searches with just the topics in alphabetical order, without the date and time and link information.

You can find the answer with a simple google search. That's not the point. The point is to use the data provided and typical consumer internet based search tools to see what you can find, and how easy it can be to find people. Print out a copy of your notebook as a pdf and add it to your gradescope submission for the week.

"Privacy" refers to our right to control access to ourselves and to our personal information. It means that we have the right to control the degree, the timing, and the conditions for sharing our bodies, thoughts, and experiences with others.

"Confidentiality" refers to agreements made about how information that has been provided will be protected. These agreements may include descriptions about whether identifiers will be retained, who will have access to identifiable data, and what methods will be used to safeguard data, such as encrypted storage or locked files.

There is currently no consensus in the research community about whether online communications in open forums constitute private or public behavior. E-mail is not private

Another major issue is that its at best difficult if not impossible to verify the age of someone on the internet. In many cases data can not be collected from or about minors without their parent's consent and asking/forcing people to click on a "I am 18 or older" button is not enough of a guarantee.

in 2009 Netflix released data to see if other groups could improve their recommendation system with a $1,000,000 prize if a group could get a 10% improvement. I used the data for one of the class projects that year. The data included movie or TV show title, ID of person who rented it, what rating they gave it, and when they rented it for a subset of the overall Netflix database.

Here is a paper looking at how much knowledge is needed to identify someone from the Netflix contest data. (100,000,000 ratings from 500,000 users) Section 5 goes into the Netflix example in detail. https://arxiv.org/PS_cache/cs/pdf/0610/0610105v2.pdf

"An adversary may have auxiliary information about some subscriber's movie preferences: the titles of a few of the movies that this subscriber watched, whether she liked them or not, maybe even approximate dates when she watched them. Anonymity of the Netflix dataset thus depends on the answer to the following question: How much does the adversary need to know about a Netflix subscriber in order to identify her record in the dataset, and thus learn her complete movie viewing history?"

"Very little auxiliary information is needed for de-anonymize an average subscriber record from the Netflix Prize dataset. With 8 movie ratings (of which 2 may be completely wrong) and dates that may have a 14-day error, 99% of records be uniquely identified in the dataset. For 68%, two ratings and dates (with a 3-day error) are sufficient."

Netflix was going to do a second contest. According to the New York Times:
"The new contest is going to present the contestants with demographic and behavioral data, and they will be asked to model individuals 'taste profiles', the company said. The data set of more than 100 million entries will include information about renters' ages, gender, ZIP codes, genre ratings and previously chosen movies. Unlike the first challenge, the contest will have no specific accuracy target. Instead, $500,000 will be awarded to the team in the lead after six months, and $500,000 to the leader after 18 months."

But then decided to cancel the contest.

Malte Spitz from the German Green party decided to publish his own data collected from August 2009 to February 2010. However, to even access the information, he had to file a suit against Deutsche Telekom.

and there is a TED talk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv7Y0W0xmYQ

and an animation of what you can do with it when you convert it into a visualization - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1EKvWot-3c

Similarly London bike sharing data gets too personal

Aggregating this data can also lead to issues:

January 2018 - Strava releases heatmap of its users fitness location data - i.e. where people are swimming and running - what happens when some of that data is from active duty military personnel on known and unknown military bases

This is a major concern with medical data. Even removing a patient's name and social security number, the very data stored about a patient may be enough to identify him or her if a patient has a rare condition, or even a less rare condition in a sparsely populated area.

This means that 'raw' data may be unavailable, or that the raw data may need to be anonymized - e.g. instead of knowing what town a person lives in, maybe a zip code, or a county, or a state is given. Maybe instead of a particular age (e.g. 42) an age range is given (40-45)

General ways to safeguard data:

To de-identify medical data the following 18 identifiers must be removed:
  1. names
  2. all geographic subdivisions smaller than a state
  3. all elements of data (except year) for all dates directly related to the individual. For individuals > 89 years old the year must also be removed
  4. telephone number
  5. fax number
  6. e-mail address
  7. social security number
  8. medical record number
  9. health plan beneficiary numbers
  10. account numbers
  11. certification / license number
  12. vehicle identifiers and serial numbers (eg license plate numbers)
  13. device identifiers and serial numbers (ie for anything placed in the body)
  14. URLs
  15. IP addresses
  16. biometric identifiers (finger print, voice print)
  17. full face photographic images or comparable images
  18. any other unique identifying number characteristic or code


There are many different ways to try and formalize uncertainty from different fields.

One way comes from a Microsoft Research paper:

level 1: Measurement Precision
       - imprecise measurements - might have explicit range of imprecision

level 2 Completeness
       - sampling strategy often used since its impossible to collect / simulate / compute / visualize 'all the data'
       - missing values
       - aggregation / summarization - detailed data is replaced by higher level concepts

       known knowns - information you know
       known unknowns - information you know exists but you don't have
       unknown unknowns - information you don't even know that you are missing - scary ones

level 3: Inferences - adding meaning to the data and using it to make decisions
       - modelling
       - prediction
       - extrapolation

    - measurement - multiple measurements of the same value do not agree
    - completeness - overlapping but not identical datasets
    - inference - multiple models generate different results from the same input data or
        multiple people come to different conclusions from the same data

       - measuring instrument or source of data may lack credibility based on past performance
       - different investigators may rate different sources more or less credible
       - different investigators may rate other investigators as more or less credible

FlowingData has a nice overview here on different ways to show uncertainty here

Next are some real world examples of uncertainty visualization.

Here are several visualizations of the possible path of a hurricane

and another from https://www.khou.com/hurricane

Hurricane Irene

The previous path is known with a high degree of certainty and based on that path and many other variables the potential future paths are shown.

Here is a visualization of travel times from the Jane Byrne Interchange in and out I-290 to Harlem for Fridays over the past 5 years, and this particular Friday, which did follow the pattern eastbound, but not westbound. The average travel time and the 68 percent region show me the typical pattern, and the line for today shows me how well its currently been matching that pattern.

Current data is shown here

Here a large amount of collected data is used to show the most likely traffic times for a given day. That allows the user to make some predictions. Having the known values for earlier in the current day tell the user how the current day is comparing to the typical day and should allow the user to make better predictions.

We can go back to the visual variables from the Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization book that we talked about in week 3 of the course.

size - The width of a line could be used to show uncertainty in a path, the size of a dot could be used to show uncertainty in a position. There is a danger here that the user might interpret the thicker line or the bigger dot as indicating 'more' rather than uncertainty so it may be a good idea to combine this with saturation, lightness, or transparency so the point or line is thicker, but also less saturated or lighter or more transparent.

saturation -  Saturation of a colour can be used to show uncertainty in a point, path, or area. A fully saturated hue could show certainty while a less saturated hue shows uncertainty, but the use of more than three levels of saturation is discouraged. Lightness could be used for similar purposes but like size one must be careful the user doesn't mistake darker for more.

transparency - as with saturation, a shape or hue could be more opaque to show certainty and more transparent to show uncertainty

crispness - for boundaries a crisp edge suggests a known / reliable boundary where a fuzzy edge suggests uncertainty. Similarly a high resolution edge suggests reliability where a low resolution edge suggests uncertainty.

another example comes from chapter 23 of the Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization book that we frequently turn to. In this case the visualizations are from a 2001 study



Which of these do you think is more effective? and why? write the positives and negatives for each of the four visualizations and submit this as part of your PDF for the week into gradescope.

here is another nice reference page from Information Graphics - A Comprehensive Illustrative Reference that deals with numeric data and the common box and whisker (box plot, 5 number summary) format.

Wikipedia has a similar description: box and whisker - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_plot

and there is a nice simple example from statistics Canada here

and an example

Coming Next Time

Social Network Visualization

last revision 12/20/2021