The CS Dept. will not tolerate cheating by its students.

The minimum penalty for any student found cheating will be to receive a failing grade for the course and to have the event recorded in a department and/or College record. The maximum penalty will be expulsion from the University.

We intend to devote more effort than in the past to detecting and punishing cheating.

Cheating includes all the following, though this is not a complete list:

Copying or any other form of getting assistance from or giving assistance to another student during any project, test, quiz, exam, midterm, etc. when working in groups has not been explicitly allowed.

Plagiarism--turning in work (code, writing, sounds, images, drawings, etc.) that has been copied from some other source.

Obtaining solutions to homework by posting to the Internet for assistance, purchasing assistance, obtaining copies of solutions manuals for instructors, and obtaining copies of previous year's homework solutions.

Computer programs: Any time you look at another student's code, it is cheating. (Exception: If you are EXPLICITLY told that you may do so by the instructor, for instance, in working on a large group project in the 400-level software engineering course.)

For computer programs, if for some reason we cannot determine who copied from whom, we may, at our discretion, give failing grades to all students involved. It is the responsibility of all engineering and computer science professionals to safeguard their company's "trade secrets." An employee who allows trade secrets to be obtained by competitors will almost certainly be fired. So, YOU are responsible for making sure that your directories have permissions set so that only you can read your files, for being sure to log out at the end of working in the computer lab, etc.