Week 14

Putting it all Together

Groups due 11/15 at 8:59pm Chicago time

Given that you have heard about the basics of VR and AR in class, and done some projects to get a better handle on the application development side of things, and recently seen a variety of current work in the area, this week the class is going to break into groups of 3 or 4 and brainstorm on creating a VR or AR experience for a particular theme, as though you were a small company trying to pitch this idea to a potential funder, say the Field Museum, to try and pull a lot of the ideas and experiences of the course together.

If you have a group of 3 or 4, or part of a group, email Andy the names of your members by 9pm on 11/15. If you need to be put into a group please send me your name as well. Before class on 11/17 Andy will randomize the students who have sent me their names into groups of 3 or 4. If you do not send me your name I will assume that you are not planning to participate in this activity; I only want to form groups of students that are committing to participate.

The first half of the class should be devoted to data gathering, coming up with the general concept for the experience, and agreeing on the technology that you propose to use. The second half of the class is devoted to refining the concepts and creating a pitch, which should take the form of a pdf document  web page containing your proposal, including sketches and drawings of what the experience would be like, and the rationale for your choices based on the material from the course. Note that you will not be graded on the quality of the sketches or drawings, but they should be good enough to give the reader a good idea what you are proposing. It should include a rough setup cost and cost to run the experience, rough development timeline and cost for your team to implement it, how many people would be able to participate, hardware requirements, software and development requirements, staffing requirements, location requirements, etc.

At the end of class your group should convert your pitch to a pdf and have one of the members upload it to gradescope. Include a selfie taken of your Tuesday team, and the names of all the members on your team on the pdf you upload to gradescope by the end of class.

The experience you design should be implementable on existing technology - that is if someone wanted to fund you to create this experience, you should be able to buy all of the necessary hardware off the shelf tomorrow and create the software using existing tools. It should also be reasonably affordable for whomever is going to pay for this, and it should work within the constraints of the space and its general use.

In past years we have done a variety of Chicago related themes: the Chicago Fire of 1871, Hull House from the late 1800ds,
the SS Eastland Disaster in 1915, the Century of Progress Exposition in 1933, and the current Stanley Field Hall in the Field Museum.

In the past this has been a 2 day activity where the first day would be information gathering and brainstorming about the topic. With only one day this term, we are going to work on a familiar topic, which is UIC. How would you use AR/VR/MR to help attract students to UIC in general and the CS department in particular. These could be potential students from the Chicago area, or other parts of Illinois, or other states, or other countries.

Vo, Villegas, Kamleh, Arshad
Pai, Hatch, Khatod, Basuroy
Tawde, Rathod, Soni
Desai, Sabnis, Lamba, Anup
Perez, Rawat, Shyan
Hernandez, Patipati, Chakrala, Chatterjee

Coming Next Time

Project 3 Presentations

last revision 11/22/2022