(includes text and images from "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice" by Foley et all)
online, you can click here to see some images created by members of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory here at UIC. Each lecture has a different set of images (collect em all!)
Today we will talk about how transforms using matrices are used to affect the position, size, and orientation of polygons in the scene.
Section 5.1 in the text gives a review of vectors and matrices.
Transforms are applied to vertices and then the edges are drawn between the new vertices and the new polygon can then be filled.
Hand Coordinate System (RHS)
Z is coming out of the page
Hand Coordinate System (LHS)
Z is going into the page
so basically its the same thing ...
(X,Y) is to be translated by amount Dx and Dy to location (X',Y')
X' = Dx + X
Y' = Dy + Y
or P' = T + P where
_ _
P' = | X' |
| Y' |
- -
_ _
T = | Dx |
| Dy |
- -
_ _
P = | X |
| Y |
- -
(X,Y) is to be scaled by amount Sx and Sy to location (X',Y')
X' = Sx * X
Y' = Sy * Y
or P' = S * P where
_ _
P' = | X' |
| Y' |
- -
_ _
S = | Sx 0 |
| 0 Sy |
- -
_ _
P = | X |
| Y |
- -
scaling is performed about the origin (0,0) not about the center of the line/polygon/whatever
> 1 enlarge the object and move it away from the origin.
Scale = 1 leave the object alone
Scale< 1 shrink the object and move it towards the origin.
scaling: Sx = Sy
differential scaling Sx != Sy -> alters proportions
(X,Y) is to be rotated about the origin by angle theta to location
note that this does involve sin and cos which are much more costly than
addition or multiplication
X' = X * cos(theta) - Y * sin(theta)
Y' = X * sin(theta) + Y *cos(theta)
or P' = R * P where
_ _
P' = | X' |
| Y' |
- -
_ _
R = | cos(theta) -sin(theta) |
| sin(theta) cos(theta) |
- -
_ _
P = | X |
| Y |
- -
rotation is performed about the origin (0,0) not about the center of the line/polygon/whatever
does this matrix come from?
(X,Y) is located r away from (0,0) at a CCW angle of phi from the X
(X',Y') is located r away from (0,0) at a CCW angle of theta+phi from
the X axis.
Since rotation is about the origin, (X',Y') must be the same distance from the origin as (X,Y).
trig ...
X = r * cos(phi)
Y = r * sin(phi)
= r * cos(theta+phi)
Y' = r * sin(theta+phi)
cos(a+b) = cos(a) * cos(b) - sin(a) * sin(b)
sin(a+b) = sin(a) * cos(b) + cos(a) * sin(b)
= r * cos(theta) * cos(phi) - r * sin(theta) * sin(phi)
Y' = r * sin(theta) * cos(phi) + r * cos(theta) * sin(phi)
= X * cos(theta) - Y * sin(theta)
Y' = X * sin(theta) + Y * cos(theta)
Want to be able to treat all 3 transformations (translation, scaling, rotation) in the same way - as multiplications
each point given a third coordinate (X, Y, W)
two triples (X,Y,W) and (X',Y',W') represent the same point if they are multiples of each other e.g. (1,2,3) and (2,4,6)
at least one of the three coordinates must be nonzero
if W is 0 then the point is at infinity if W is nonzero we can divide the triple by W to get the cartesian coordinates of X and Y which will be identical for triples representing the same point (X/W, Y/W, 1)
translation: point (X,Y) is to be translated by amount Dx and Dy to
location (X',Y')
X' = Dx + X
Y' = Dy + Y
or P' = T * P where
_ _
P' = | X' |
| Y' |
| 1 |
- -
_ _
T = | 1 0 Dx | = T(Dx,Dy)
| 0 1 Dy |
| 0 0 1 |
- -
_ _
P = | X |
| Y |
| 1 |
- -
new scaling:
_ _
P' = | X' |
| Y' |
| 1 |
- -
_ _
S = | Sx 0 0 | = S(Sx,Sy)
| 0 Sy 0 |
| 0 0 1 |
- -
_ _
P = | X |
| Y |
| 1 |
- -
new rotation:
_ _
P' = | X' |
| Y' |
| 1 |
- -
_ _
R = | cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0 | = R(theta)
| sin(theta) cos(theta) 0 |
| 0 0 1 |
- -
_ _
P = | X |
| Y |
| 1 |
- -
Instead of applying several transformations matrices to a point we want to use the transformations to produce 1 matrix which can be applied to the point.
In the simplest case we want to apply the same type of transformation (translation, rotation, scaling) more than once.
is additive as expected
scaling is multiplicative as expected
rotation is additive as expected
But what if we want to combine different types of transformations?
very common reason for doing this is to rotate a polygon about an
arbitrary point (e.g. the center of the polygon) rather than around the
the order of operations here is right to left P' = T(Dx,Dy) * R(theta)
* T(-Dx,-Dy) * P
The matrix that results from these 3 steps can then be applied to all of the points in the polygon.
common reason for doing this is to scale a polygon about an arbitrary
point (e.g. the center of the polygon) rather than around the origin.
do we determine the 'center' of the polygon?
user's prefer to work in world-coordinates.
These coordinates must then be translated to screen coordinates to be displayed in a rectangular region of the screen called the viewport
objects are in world coordinates (with n dimensions)
The viewport is in screen coordinates (with n=2)
one matrix that can be applied to all points:
rectangular area of world from (Xmin,Ymin) to (Xmax,Ymax) -
world-coordinate window
rectangular area of screen from (Umin,Vmin) to (Umax,Vmax) - viewport
need to rescale the world-coordinate rectangle to the screen rectangle
translate world-coordinate window to the origin of the world coordinate
2. rescale the window to the size and aspect ratio of the viewport.
3. translate the viewport to its position on the screen in the screen
coordinate system.
= M * Pworld
M = T(Umin,Vmin) * S(deltaU/deltaX, deltaV/deltaY) * T(-Xmin, -Ymin)
Similar to 2D transformations, which used 3x3 matrices, 3D transformations use 4X4 matrices (X, Y, Z, W)
Translation: point (X,Y,Z) is to be translated by amount Dx, Dy and Dz
to location (X',Y',Z')
X' = Dx + X
Y' = Dy + Y
Z' = Dz + Z
or P' = T * P where
_ _
P' = | X' |
| Y' |
| Z' |
| 1 |
- -
_ _
T = | 1 0 0 Dx | = T(Dx,Dy,Dz)
| 0 1 0 Dy |
| 0 0 1 Dz |
| 0 0 0 1 |
- -
_ _
P = | X |
| Y |
| Z |
| 1 |
- -
3D scaling:
_ _
P' = | X' |
| Y' |
| Z' |
| 1 |
- -
_ _
S = | Sx 0 0 0 | = S(Sx,Sy,Sz)
| 0 Sy 0 0 |
| 0 0 Sz 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
- -
_ _
P = | X |
| Y |
| Z |
| 1 |
- -
for 3D rotation we need to pick an axis to rotate about. The most
common choices are the X-axis, the y-axis, and the z-axis
_ _
P' = | X' |
| Y' |
| Z' |
| 1 |
- -
_ _
Rz = | cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0 0 | = Rz(theta)
| sin(theta) cos(theta) 0 0 |
| 0 0 1 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
- -
_ _
Rx = | 1 0 0 0 | = Rx(theta)
| 0 cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0 |
| 0 sin(theta) cos(theta) 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
- -
_ _
Ry = | cos(theta) 0 sin(theta) 0 | = Ry(theta)
| 0 1 0 0 |
| -sin(theta) 0 cos(theta) 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
- -
_ _
P = | X |
| Y |
| Z |
| 1 |
- -
OpenGL translation, rotation, and scaling are performed using commands
such as:
glTranslate{fd}(X,Y,Z) - glTranslatef(1.0, 2.5, 3.0)
glRotate{df}(Angle, X, Y, Z) - glRotatef(60.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
glScale{df}(X, Y, Z) - glScalef(1.0, 1.5, 2.0)
Composition is handled in a similar way to the 2D case
More Geometric Transformations