EECS 488: Assignment 4


Out: 11/7/00

Due: 11/28/00 at 3:00pm

In this fourth assignment you will enhance the program you wrote in assignment 3 and experiment with some of the more advanced features of OpenGL.

This assignment will be a little different in that I'm hoping its closer to the 'real world.' I'm going to tell you what features the application should have, and some of the commands you will need, but for several of the features you will need to dig into the red book and learn by doing.

Your program will read in a datafile called maze.txt which has _almost_ the same format as the one from the previous assignment. The maze will contain the same objects but this time you will create two new interesting objects called A and B which should be of your own design and purpose.

This enhanced version adds the following to the requirements given in assignment 3:

Note that this writeup is intentionally not giving you all the details on how to go about doing all of these various things. There are several nice links on the web pages to the man pages for the various OpenGL functions, and the Red Book online, and sample code so you should do some research before you start coding on how to apply the various routines. The basic goal here is to come up with a game that is visually interesting while still being quite playable on the O2s.

Also note that while creativity is encouraged on this assignment that does not mean that you should grab textures or sounds from published sources without their permission. Creating your own sounds or textures is highly encouraged, and using public domain images and sounds are fine as long as you cite the source.

As usual, your program should be well commented and be a good example of literate programming.

As with the previous assignments your program will be submitted electronically and you need to be sure that it compiles and runs on the SGI O2s in the EECS lab.

Most of the enhancements in this assignment are independant of each other, but you should switch over to the filled polygonal maze first and then upgrade the graphics.

Again, I would also highly recommend that you understand the code you are writing - you never know when you might need to reproduce it (hint hint).