CS 488: Computer Graphics I, Fall 2003

Andy Johnson
Electronic Visualization Laboratory
2032 ERF and 918 SEO

phone (EVL)  (312) 996-3002    email: aej at evl.uic.edu
fax   (EVL)  (312) 413-7585    WWW  : http://www.evl.uic.edu/aej

office hours: 3:15 - 5:00 Tuesdays and by appointment

73371 Lecture     Tuesday  2:00pm-3:15pm    220 SH
70448 Discussion  Thursday 2:00pm-3:15pm    220 SH

TA: Shourui Tian - stian at cs.uic.edu
Office Hours: Monday 2260 SEL 2:00 to 3:00 and 932 SEO 3:30 to 5:00


REQUIRED:                                  OPTIONAL:
Computer Graphics: Principles and          OpenGL Programming Guide 3rd ed.
Practice in C (2nd Ed.)
Foley, vanDam, Feiner, Hughes, Phillips    Woo, Neider, David, etc.
(ISBN 0-201-84840-6)                       (ISBN  0-201-60458-2)


Day Topic Reading Assignments
8/26 Introduction and Hardware 1,4
9/2 2D Graphics 3 #1 out, (last week to add)
9/9 2D Graphics 3
9/16 2D Graphics 3
9/23 Geometric Transformations 5 #1 due, #2 out,
9/30 Geometric Transformations 5 (last week to drop)
10/7 3D Graphics 6
10/14 3D Graphics 6
10/21 Midterm Exam
#2 due, #3 out
10/28 Light 13
11/4 Visible-Surface Determination 15
11/11 Visible-Surface Determination 15 #3 due, #4 out
11/18 Shading & Illumination 16
11/25 Shading & Illumination 16
12/2 Current Topics 14 #4 due

12/9 Final Exam 3:30-5:30

"so much time, so little to see ... wait a minute, strike that, reverse it" -- Willy Wonka

Credit or concurrent registration in CS 340. That means you should have practical experience with a high level computer programming lanuage, preferably C or C++. You should also have some knowledge of matrices.

If you do not have the prerequisites for this course make sure that you drop this course right away. The CS department will verify the prerequisites for all students registered in this course during the first few weeks of the term and if you do not have the prerequisites, you will be notified and dropped from the course after the normal drop/add period. By that time, you will not be able to enroll in any new course.

Same as Art and Design 488.
Principles of interactive computer graphics. Raster and vector display, techniques and hardware considerations. Introduction to two-dimensional and three-dimensional rendering.

Attendance is very important, but not mandatory. The assignments and exams will be based primarily (though not exclusively) on the material presented in class. You are responsible for obtaining any information which you miss.

"Those who are absent are always wrong." - African proverb

The homeworks will be due at the beginning of class on the due date. We will be using turnin to turn them in. If your assignment is late you get a '0'. Assignment deadlines will not be extended for any reason other than global thermo-nuclear conflict or an army of undead ghouls walking the streets of Chicago eating people.

You may work at home on the assignments but they will be graded on the linux machines here in the CS department so you must make sure that they run on those machines before submitting your work.

You will have 5 free late days to use throughout the term. Each free late day allows you to extend the deadline of an assignment by one 24 hour period. Saturday and Sunday each count as a normal day. If you wish to use one or more of your late days you must CLEARLY indicate this when you turn in your assignment, preferably via email to myself and the TA. Late days can not be traded in for valuable prizes, nor sold or given to other classmates.

You are expected to do all of your work individually and we will compare your source code with those of your classmates to help make sure that you do. If you are caught not doing your work on your own then you will get an E in the course.

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand" - Chinese proverb

There will be a midterm and final; the questions will generally be problem solving / short answer. Makeup exams are always different.

There will also be an occasional quiz or homework assignment.

The current gradesheet will be found on the door of room 918 SEO (my 'official' office), as opposed to 2032 ERF (the office I regularly use.)

In order to get a passing grade in the class you must pass the midterm and the final exam, and get a passing (D) grade on all 4 assignments.

	The final grade will be           Letter grades will be
calculated as follows: assigned as follows:

Assignments(4): 400 points A: 870 - 1000 points
Midterm: 250 points B: 750 - 869 points
Final: 300 points C: 620 - 749 points
HW/Quizzes 50 points D: 500 - 619 points
Total: 1000 points E: 000 - 499 points