Project 2

The 75MB version of the Visible Woman dataset is available on in pub/software/andy. This version of the dataset is made up of 577 slices, 1 slide every 3mm, where each slice is 256 x 256 16-bit values. This is the same version of the data that we used in class with paraview.

You should isolate the appropriate slices for the head for your first dataset.
You should isolate the appropriate slices for the feet for your second dataset.
The user should be able to chose which dataset to visualize with a widget.

For each dataset you will do two types of visualizations: isosurfaces and volume rendering.

for isosurfaces:
- create two isosurfaces - the skin should be transparent and the bone opaque
- a widget should control the resolution of the dataset allowing the user to do a faster
computation for sizes of 256x256, 128x128, 64x64, 32x32
- a widget should allow the user to control the degree of transparency of the skin
- the user should be able to rotate the dataset using the mouse (eg with the standard control)

for volume rendering with ray casting:
- again the skin should be transparent while the bone is opaque
- again there should be a widget to chose the resolution of the dataset
- new widgets should control sample distance, interpolation method, MIP vs Composite

As with project 1 you should create a web page containing a series of images showing all of these various features in action, and links to the code that you used to create them.

last revision 2/14/04