vtk related presentation:
For the first presentation there will be 3 presentations per day, so each presentation will be 15 minutes long with an additional 5 minutes for questions.
2/3 | Sanjay - MRI |
2/3 | Nicholas - Shear Warp Factorization |
2/3 | Don - Splatting |
2/8 | Dmitri - Decimation |
2/8 | Arun - Dividing Cubes |
2/8 | Doug - Noise Removal |
2/10 | Bob - Streamline Extraction |
2/10 | Jason - Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data |
2/10 | Paul - Genetic Mapping |
2/15 | Michael - Visualization of Large Programs Executing |
2/15 | Andreas - Atomic Force Microscopes |
project 1 review:
For the project reviews there will be 6 presentations per day so each presentation will be 8 minutes long with 2 minutes for questions.
2/22 | Michael -
http://shannonandmike.net/files/526/Project1/ |
2/22 | Dmitri -
http://www.evl.uic.edu/dmitr/2Ddatasets/ |
2/22 | Andreas -
http://www.evildre.com/526/proj1.html |
2/22 | Nicholas
- http://www.evl.uic.edu/schwarz/cs526/project1/ |
2/22 | Bob -
http://www.evl.uic.edu/rlk/cs526/project1/ |
2/24 | Don -
http://icarus.uic.edu/~eolmst1/cs526/project1.html |
2/24 | Jason - |
2/24 | Arun -
http://www2.uic.edu/~agurun2/cs526project1/526project1.html |
2/24 | Paul
- http://mumps.alcoholicchickens.com/Rhubarb/index.htm |
2/24 | Doug -
http://icarus.uic.edu/~dmacka2/cs526/proj1.html |
paper 1 presentation:
For the first real paper presentation there will be 2 presentations per day, so each presentation will be 25 minutes long with an additional 5 minutes for questions.
3/1 | Don -
Applying Real-Time shading to 3D Ultrasound Visualization |
3/1 | Paul -
Volumetric modeling of acoustic fields in CNMAT's sound spatialization
theatre Kaup, Khoury, Freed, Wessel IEEE Visualization 1998 http://cnmat.cnmat.berkeley.edu/AcousticVisualization/ |
3/3 | Andreas -
Human Factors in Visualization Research Tory, Moller IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 10:1, 2004 http://www.evildre.com/files/humanfactors.pdf |
3/3 | Dmitri -
Generating Sub-Resolution Detail in Images and Volumes Using
Constrained Texture Synthesi IEEE Visualization 2004 |
3/8 | Arun - A
Model for Smooth Viewing and Navigation of Large 2D Information Spaces van Wijk, Nuij IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics10:4, JULY/AUGUST 2004. http://www.win.tue.nl/~vanwijk/zptvcg.pdf |
3/8 | Nicholas
- Interactive Exploration of Large Remote Micro-CT Scans Prohaska, Hutanu, Kahler, Hege IEEE Visualization 2004 http://www.zib.de/prohaska/2004/docs/Paper_Prohaska_et_al_Vis2004.pdf |
3/10 | Bob - 3D
ROAM for Scalable Volume Visualization Marchesin, Dischler, Mongenet VolViz04 http://icps.u-strasbg.fr/~marchesin/volvis04.pdf |
3/10 | Jason -
TOPIC ISLANDS - A Wavelet-based Text Visualization System Miller, Wong, Brewster, Foote IEEE Visualization 1998 http://tablab.cs.uic.edu:8080/cs526/uploads/9/vis98paper.pdf |
3/15 | Doug -
Interactive Visualization of State Transition Systems van Ham, van de Wetering, van Wijk IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 8:4, 2002 http://www.win.tue.nl/~fvham/fsm/Downloads/FSM2002.pdf |
3/15 | Michael -
Visualization of vector fields using seed LIC and volume rendering Helgeland, Andreassen IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics November/December 2004 http://shannonandmike.net/files/526/Presentation2/IEEE%20Transactions%20on%20Visualization%20and%20Computer%20Graphics%20-%20Visualization%20of%20vector%20fields%20using%20seed%20LIC%20and%20volume%20rendering%20(01333665)%20%5b2005%5d.pdf |
project 2 review:
For the project reviews there will be 6 presentations per day so each presentation will be 8 minutes long with 2 minutes for questions.
3/29 | Doug -
http://www2.uic.edu/~dmacka2/cs526/proj2.html |
3/29 | Andreas -
http://www.evildre.com/526/proj2.html |
3/29 | Arun -
http://www2.uic.edu/~agurun2/cs526project2/index.html |
3/29 | Michael -
http://shannonandmike.net/files/526/Project2 |
3/29 | Jason -
http://cs.uic.edu/~jvrousto/cs526/project2/ |
3/31 | Paul
- http://mumps.alcoholicchickens.com/Weasel_Nuts/index.htm |
3/31 | Dmitri -
http://www.evl.uic.edu/dmitr/WiFiVis/ |
3/31 | Bob -
http://www.evl.uic.edu/rlk/cs526/project2/ |
3/31 | Don -
http://icarus.uic.edu/~eolmst1/cs526/project2.html |
3/31 | Nicholas
- http://www.evl.uic.edu/schwarz/cs526/project2 |
paper 2 presentation:
For the second real paper presentation there will be 2 presentations per day, so each presentation will be 25 minutes long with an additional 5 minutes for questions.
4/5 | Dmitri Viola, Kanitsar, Gröller Importance-Driven Volume Rendering http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/vis/adapt/2004_idvr/#Download%20full%20paper |
4/5 | Don -
Chromium: A Stream-Processing Framework for Interactive Rendering on Clusters from Humphreys, Houston, Ng, Frank, Ahern, Kirchner SIGGRAPH 2002 http://graphics.stanford.edu/papers/cr/cr_lowquality.pdf |
4/7 | Doug - A
Parallel Coordinates Style Interface for Exploratory Volume
Visualization Tory, Potts, Moller IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics http://www.cs.ubc.ca/%7Emelanie/publications/tvcg_parallel.pdf |
4/7 | Paul - Scientific
Visualization in Small Animal Imaging Kindllmann, Normann, Badi, Keller, Jones, Johnson Computer Graphics Quarterly Volume 38 Number 2 May 2004 http://www.siggraph.org/publications/newsletter/issues/v38/v38n2.pdf |
4/12 | Andreas -
Practical Approach to Spectral Volume Rendering Bergner, Moller, Tory, Drew IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, March/April 2005 issue http://www.evildre.com/files/spectralvolumerendering.pdf |
4/12 | Nicholas
- Memory
Efficient Acceleration Structures and Techniques for CPU-based Volume Raycasting of Large Data Grimm, Bruckner, Kanitsar, Groller IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics 2004 http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/vis/adapt/2004_meas/paperMEA.pdf |
4/14 | Jason -
Constrained Inverse Volume Rendering for Planetary Nebula Magnor, Kindlmann, Duric, Hansen IEEE Visualization 2004 http://tablab.cs.uic.edu:8080/cs526/uploads/9/01372183.pdf |
4/14 | Bob - Geometry
clipmaps: terrain rendering using nested regular grids Losasso, Hoppe SIGGRAPH 2004 http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1015706.1015799&coll=ACM&dl=ACM&idx=1015706&part=periodical&WantType=periodical&title=ACM%20Transactions%20on%20Graphics%20%28TOG%29&CFID=41053898&CFTOKEN=46422742 |
4/19 | Arun -
Adaptive Extraction of Time-Varying Isosurfaces Gregorski, Senecal, Duchaineau, Joy IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 10.6 2004 http://graphics.cs.ucdavis.edu/~jgseneca/Papers/TVCG_ISO.pdf |
4/19 | Michael -
High-Quality Point-Based Rendering on Modern GPUs http://shannonandmike.net/files/526/Presentation3/High-Quality%20Point-Based%20Rendering%20on%20Modern%20GPUs%20(high-quality-point-based).pdf |
project 3 review:
For the project reviews there will be 6 presentations per day so each presentation will be 8 minutes long with 2 minutes for questions.
4/26 | Paul |
4/26 | Andreas |
4/26 | Jason |
4/26 | Michael |
4/26 | Doug |
4/28 | Arun |
4/28 | Bob |
4/28 | Dmitri |
4/28 | Nicholas |
4/28 | Don |
Final review:
For the final reviews there will be 11 presentations in one day so each presentation will be 8 minutes long with 2 minutes for questions and we should finish within the 2 hour final period.
5/5 | Arun |
5/5 | Doug |
5/5 | Nicholas |
5/5 | Michael |
5/5 | Dmitri |
5/5 | Jason |
5/5 | Bob |
5/5 | Don |
5/5 | Paul |
5/5 | Andreas |