vtk related presentation:
first presentation there will be 3 or 4 presentations per day, so
presentation will be 10 minutes long with an additional 5 minutes for
2/6 |
Tran -
Colour Mapping |
2/6 |
Uphoff - Image
Restoration and Enhancement |
2/6 |
O'Neill -
2/6 |
Davey -
Shear Warp Factorization |
2/8 |
Kamineni - volume
in vtk |
2/8 |
Bhatt - Warping |
2/8 |
Vishu - Interpolation |
2/13 |
Handley -
Delaunay Triangulation |
2/13 |
Gorski - VMD |
2/13 |
Grace -
Splatting in the Visualization of Medical Data |
2/15 |
- Swept Volumes and Surfaces |
2/15 |
- Decimation |
2/15 |
- Geometric
Transformations via Scalar algorithms |
the project reviews there will be 3 or 4 presentations per day so each
presentation will be 10 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions.
2/27 |
Iparraguirre |
2/27 |
Grace |
2/27 |
Davey |
2/27 |
Kamineni |
3/1 |
Vishu | |
3/1 |
Bhatt |
3/1 |
Tran |
3/6 |
Handley |
3/6 |
Iyer |
3/6 |
Uphoff |
3/8 |
Gorski |
3/8 |
Balman |
paper presentation:
For the first real paper presentation there will be 2 presentations per day, so each presentation will be 25 minutes long with an additional 10 minutes for questions.
2/22 |
Balman -
Visualization in the Einstein Year 2005: A Case Stud
- Weiskopf et al,
http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~weiskopf/publications/vis05_relativity.pdf |
2/22 |
- Exploring Connectivity of the Brain’s White
Matter with Dynamic Queries - Sherbondy et al,
http://graphics.stanford.edu/papers/dti-query-extended/dti-query-extended.pdf |
3/13 |
Handley - Terrain Rendering Using GPU-Based Geometry Clipmaps, Asirvatham and Hoppe, http://research.microsoft.com/~hoppe/gpugcm.pdf |
3/13 |
Bhatt -
Improving Segmentation of the Left Ventricle using a
Two-Component Statistical Model - Zambal et al,
http://medvis.vrvis.at/fileadmin/publications/MICCAI_2006_502.pdf |
3/20 |
Vishu - A
Particle System for Interactive Visualization of 3D
Flows - Kruger et al, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, Vol. 11, No. 6, November/December 2005 -
http://vivekrs.rsv.googlepages.com/InteractiveVisualizationOf3DFlows |
3/20 |
Grace -
Attacking Information Visualization System Usability
Overloading and Deceiving the Human - Conti et al,
http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p89-conti.pdf |
3/22 |
Iyer -
Facilitating the Visual Analysis of Large-Scale
Unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations - Gaither et al -
http://shriram.one09.net/files/paper.pdf |
3/22 |
Uphoff -
Layered manufacturing for scientific visualization -
Bailey - http://www.amaze-inc.com/Brian/CS526/p42-bailey.pdf |
4/17 |
- Smart 3d Visualizations
in Clinical Applications - Preim and Peitgen - |
4/19 |
- 3D Stereo Interactive
Medical Visualization - Maupu et al,
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/38/32338/01510543.pdf?arnumber=1510543 |
4/19* |
- Scientific Visualization
of the Mars Exploration Rovers - Powell et al,
http://www-robotics.jpl.nasa.gov/publications/Mark_Powell/Scientific_Visualization_MER.pdf |
project 2
For the project reviews there will be 3 or 4 presentations per day so each presentation will be 10 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions.
4/3 |
Tran |
4/3 |
Iparraguirre |
4/3 |
Uphoff |
4/5 |
Grace |
4/5 |
Iyer |
4/5 |
Kamineni |
4/10 |
Balman |
4/10 |
Bhatt |
4/10 |
Vishu | |
4/12 |
Davey |
4/12 |
Handley |
project 3
For the project reviews there will be 3 or 4 presentations per day so each presentation will be 10 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions.
4/24 |
Grace - Chicago Crime | |
4/24 |
Bhatt - Census |
4/24 |
- GPS Satellites |
4/26 |
Vishu - Search Queries | |
4/26 |
Iparraguirre - multi-core CPU | |
5/1 |
Handley |
5/1 |
Balman |
5/1 |
- Flow |
5/3 |
- Tensors |
5/3 |
- Chicago L |
5/3 |
Tran - EEG |
review: Wednesday
5/9 from 3:30 - 5:30
final reviews there will be 11 presentations in 2 hours so each
presentation will be 8 minutes long and we
should finish within the 2 hour final period.
Sound Levels in EVL:
Davey | ||
Ipaguirre | ||
Handley | link |
Balman | link |
Iyer |
E/M levels around common devices:
Kamineni | link |
Vishu | link |
Tran | link |
Bhatt | link |
Uphoff | ||
Grace | link |