Project 3
I Did it My Way
The goal of this
project is for you to make use of what you have been
learning in this class in a project of your choosing (subject to Andy's
approval.) If you can make use of visualization in your own research
here at UIC that would be good, and I can supply a list of possible
projects if you want some other ideas:
- We have
temperature data from EVL for the past couple years on a room
by room basis. Combining this with outside temperature data and
knowledge about when various rooms are active may be interesting.
- You could
collect and visualize cell-phone strength for various carriers around
the campus.
- We have an eye
tracking system at EVL so you could show a known piece
of content (e.g. a commercial or a web page) to a group of people and
track and then
visualize where their attention is focused.
- There is
information on Illinois well water that might be useful to
produce some underground maps at
As with project
2, to submit your
project you should create a web page containing a series of images
showing all of these various features in action. These snapshots should
have captions that explain clearly what is shown in each. The web page
should also have links to all of the various source files that you used
to complete the project (.tcl, .cxx, whatever.) This html file also
works as your 'readme' file so be sure that it tells me everthing you
think I need to know about your project. You can then email me the
address of this webpage. Highlight interesting features you find in the
datasets. Highlight comparisons of seeing the same thing in different
ways using the different techniques. These web
project pages also work really well as part of a portfolio when you are
start looking for a job so a little extra effort on them now can help
later on.
Remember to also send me a 320 x 240
jpg snapshot for the web. This should be named p3.<your name>.jpg
Each student will give a short demonstration of their program to the
rest of the class. This allows everyone to see a variety of solutions
to the problem, and a variety of implementations.
last revision