Lecture 6

Fundamental Algorithms (2 of 2)

(includes text and images from the 3rd edition of the VTK book)

Volume Rendering (Chapter 7 in Visualization Toolkit book)

Have data such as MRI or CT scans, ultrasound, etc

Direct Rendering (no intermediate geometric representation) vs Geometric Rendering

Image order vs object order

Image Order - raycasting / raytracing

4 different ray functions - UL:maximum, UR:average, BL:distance=30, BR:composite

a nice program to explore this kind of data on the mac is osirix - http://www.osirix-viewer.com/

Object Order

2D Texture-mapped volume rendering with different opacity mappings

Volume Classification

Regions of Interest

Modelling Algorithms (Chapter 6.5 in Visualization Toolkit book)

create or change dataset topology or geometry

Source Objects

Tensor Algorithms (Chapter 6.4 in Visualization Toolkit book)

here are some web pages with info about tensors:


visualizing 3x3 real symmetric tensors

some other representations are shown in http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/papers/westinMEDIA02.html

Coming Next Time

Visualization reports from the 00s - Part I

last revision 1/23/11