Week 3

Making it Work - Software

evl - SAGE - link

evl - omegalib - link

TACC - Display Cluster - link

TACC - Massive Pixel Environment - link

CalIT2 - CalVR - link

equalizer - link

CGLX - link

General public sees these kinds of tiled video displays at best buy and think this is easy ...

Ability to show and interact with a single application / visualization across the entire surface

Ability to show and interact with multiple heterogeneous  applications / visualizations on the surface

Treating the wall like a big single desktop using a typical desktop OS

Running one copy of an application on a master node and distributing the graphics across all the screens

Running one copy of an application on each node and have them synchronize with each other

Running a custom desktop manager on each node that synchronize with each other as middleware

Issue for the tiled display versions - Do you take the borders into account and hide the imagery 'behind' them?  usually answer is yes, but not always

Some papers relevant to our work here in evl:

Enabling multi-user interaction in large high-resolution distributed environments
Ratko Jagodic, Luc Renambot, Andrew Johnson, Jason Leigh, Sachin Deshpande
Future Generation Computer Systems

Ultrascale Collaborative Visualization in Display-Rich Global Cyberinfrastructure
Byungil Jeong, Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Luc Renambot, Ratko Jagodic, Sungwon Nam, Hyejung Hur, H.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Vol. 30.3

For Thursday's Class

If your UIN ends in an odd number you should read this paper and produce a similar 1 page report to show on the wall and perhaps discuss.

Lessons learned from the WILD room, a multisurface interactive environment
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
IHM '11: 23rd French Speaking Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

If your UIN ends in an even number you should read this paper
and produce a similar 1 page report to show on the wall and perhaps discuss.
Effects of information layout, screen size, and field of view on user performance in information‐rich virtual environments
Nicholas F. Polys, Seonho Kim, Doug A. Bowman
VRST '05: Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology, 2005

Coming Next Week

Physiological Issues

Before next class please read

The Effects of Scene Complexity, Stereovision, and Motion Parallax on Size Constancy in a Virtual Environment
Luo, Kenyon, Kamper, Sandin, DeFanti
IEEE Virtual Reality 2007

Again, you should produce a 1 page critique of the paper to put up on the wall Tuesday in class, and a subset of the students will be asked to talk more in depth about the paper.

last modified 9/1/13