Project 3

Koosbane Karaoke

This project will focus on collecting motion capture data and then using that data to animate a non-humanoid character moving/dancing to music. As the title suggests, this assignment was inspired by some of the various muppet acts taking place on the planet koosbane.

The first thing you need to do is pick a song, preferably one available in digital form. This should be at least a 60 second clip. You will be listening to this clip a lot so make sure its something that will not drive you insane. You will very likely hate this piece of music when you are done, and possibly have nightmares about it, so please chose carefully.

Then you need to think of a non-humanoid character that will be moving to the music. Maybe its a worm or a bunch of lights or a bunch of disconnected blue discs. The idea here is to be creative in what this alien creature looks like. It just cant look like a person. Think about how the creature(s) will move to the music before you get to the motion capture area.

You will then use motion capture techniques to animate this character. We will use the C-Wall in the lab to collect position and orientation data for four sensors that you hold/wear. You will then clean up that data and use it to animate your computer generated character so it moves to the music. Be sure to bring something with you to your motion capture session to play back your music. We will be scheduling a few days in November when the groups can come and do your motion capture sessions. This will take place in 1032 SEL, which is in the North East corner of the Western building of SEL.

The data you will be collecting takes up about 10K per second uncompressed, and 0.2K per second compressed. There is an ethernet connection in the area using DHCP.

You also may want to use some of the routines you created in Project 2 to augment the motion capture in this project. All of the primary motions of the character should be through motion capture, but secondary effects can be through other routines. You may also want to use some of the kinematics material.

Since you will have a limited number of sensors you may want to do the motion capture in several stages ... ie one time you are acting as the body, and a second time you are acting as the antennae ... or maybe the second time you act as another creature or piece of scenery that reacts to the moving creature.

One major difference in this project is that this project will be done in groups. The groups will either have 2 or 3 people. Please email me your group members once you have formed.

As with the first project, there will be a we page describing your work and a  presentation of your work to the class. These presentations will be 10-20 minutes long with an additional 10 minutes for in-class questions. Each member of the team must speak for a reasonable amount of time during the presentation.

Scheduling the motion tracking system:

Each team will have one two hour period on Thursday or Friday to do their motion capture. If more time is needed then Monday should be available. Please emain Andy for your preferred time on either Thursday or Friday.

Thursday 11/9

10am - 12pm
Jagodic, Chen, Svistula
12pm -   2pm
Bernasconi / Febretti / Iparraguirre - Calypso
  2pm -   3:30pm
  4:45 -   6pm
  6pm on
Gorski / Buss / Santhanakrishnan

Friday 11/10

10am - 12pm
Uphoff / Tran / Bhatt - Diamond / Wonderful Night / Million Ways of Drum
12pm -   2pm
Rabindran / Krishnamoorthy - Thriller
  2pm -   4pm
Kamineni / Iyer / Vishu
  4pm -   6pm
Grace / Kamisetty
  6:30pm on
Tretti / Vaccari / Santoro - Wizard in winter

if necessary, Monday 11/13

10am - 11am
11am -  12pm
 12pm -   1pm
   1pm -   2pm
Bernasconi / Febretti / Iparraguirre - Calypso
   2pm -   3pm -
   3pm -   4pm -
   4pm -   5pm -
   5pm -   6pm -
   6pm on

Here is the sample data file that I showed in class:

Here are the instructions for doing the motion capture work (minus the password for the computer)

CS527 Motion Tracking Instructions

The motion capture work will take place in 1032 SEL West

Log into using the cs527 account with Password: <see physical sheet in room>

There is power available under the table if you need it

Turn on the projectors using the black barco projector remote

The terminal icon in the lower panel will launch a terminal window

In one terminal window kill tracking with:                ./KILLTRACKER
In that same window start tracking again with:            ./GOTRACKER
In another terminal window run the mocap application with:     ./mocap

The projection screen should show the location of all the sensors e.g. <1>

You can use the strips of velcro to attach the 4 sensors. Watch the locations of the sensors as you move around to see if any of the sensors jump unexpectedly. This is especially true if you get close to the emitter above you . Remember that metal will affect the sensors – metal earrings, belts, jewelry, etc.

Start recording with ‘S’ and stop recording with ‘T’ when ready. Each recording will be stored in its own text file.

Compress the files you want to keep with gzip
ftp the files off the system, perhaps to

When you are done:

Delete any data files that you created to make room for their data files
If there is no other group taking over for you:
    Kill the tracker with ./KILLTRACKER
    Log out of the machine
    Make sure the projectors are turned off with the barco remote
    Make sure the lights are turned off and the door is closed

If something is not working:
    Phone:    (312) 996-3002

last revision 11/16/06