In this project you
will implement Craig Reynold's Boids.
The setting for
this project is a desktop - the literal kind, not the
computer kind. The desk should have several objects on it (computer,
books, coffee cups, pop cans, pens, stapler, that sort of thing) to act
as obstacles. Maybe its a desk in the present ... maybe its Sam Spade's
desk from the Maltese Falcon, maybe its a desk in the future. A
large group of creatures (paperclips? pushpins? bottlecaps? marbles?)
that start
out in a tipped over mug at one end of the table make a break for the
other end of the table moving along the table surface avoiding all the
objects inbetween.
layout of the objects on the table, and the initial number of boids,
and the rate at which the boids leave the tipped over mug is defined by
an external text file. You will probably also want to have another text
file where you can modify the behaviour of the boids without requiring
a recompile.
The boids should
continue to stream out of the mug while the
application runs.
You should think
about a story. What is the motivation of the boids?
What is their goal? Are there any predators on the table? What happens
when the boids get to the end of the desk? Falling into the trash can
seems a litle anti-climatic
You can be
creative in the type of desk and the objects on the desk.
The boids should
be animated as they move (e.g. a marble should roll, a
paperclip might sway back and forth as it 'walks, etc.) This animation
doesnt need to be complicated but it can add a lot to the realism of
the characters. It should also be very obvious when one of these
creatures turns - ie a featureless blue ball is not a valid boid.
Unlike the first
project where the endproduct was a movie, this project is an
interactive application. The
camera can move/rotate around the scene and zoom in and out. You may
even want to have a camera that can follow a boid through the 3D scene.
The user should
be able to grab and move some (all) of the items on
the table - eg pick up a can and place it somewhere else, and the boids
should react appropriately. This way the user does not directly affect
the motion of the creatures, but does affect them indirectly.
In past classes the most common thing that students would fail to do
correctly was to get the boids to turn and move smoothly, so I want to
be clear that smooth movement, turning, and collision avoidance are
very important.
The environment you use to implement this is up to you: OpenGL,
Electro, Dark Basic, Java3D, Orge, etc are all valid. your code should
be runnable somewhere in EVL or on the 2nd floor of SEL. You must write
your own boid code based on Craig Reynolds code though, you cant use
any built-in boid code, but given how simple the algorithms are I don't
think this should take you very long. It will take you a while to
figure out how to balance the various parameters, and you may want to
add in some new parameters.
You should probably create a set of debugging controls that can be used
interactively while the application is running to start/stop the boids
from entering the space, control their various parameters, show sensor
regions, etc. These can make your presentation to the class much more
interesting and makes debugging the flocking constants much easier.
As with Project 1 you
create a web page. The web page should include several screen shots
what your desktop world looks like, and it should describe
what you did in the project. The web page should also link to your
surce code, instructions for compiling and running, and an executable
that can be downloaded and run. You should then send email to andy
the location of your web page, along with a small 320x240 snapshot of
your work to be included on the course web page.
You may also want to create a small screen-captured movie of your
application running to add to your webpage.
In general the grading will be:
C - boids flock and avoid objects on the desktop, setup defined by text
B - smooth motion, ability to interactively manipulate at least one
tabletop obstacle.
A - smooth motion, smooth turning, nice theme, nice models, interactive
control over parameters within application.
Each person will give
a short 10 minute presentation on what he/she did in their
project (most likely making use of the web pages that you created) and
get feedback from the rest of the class. Be prepared to
show your application, and discuss why you did what you did and how you
did what you did.
last revision 2/6/08