index | Julieta | Eleni

Field of vases.

User picks any vase. The selected vase grows and floats in "spill" position, towards the user.

yg nodes: volume for sensor, timer for scaling in time, point follower por positioning relative to user, switch to turn of all the previous after this event.

Eye appears and starts following user. The "how the eye appears" needs to be defined.

yg nodes: look at user or billboard, and point follower.

Once entered the vase, the eye blocks the entrance.

yg nodes: timer for the eye to lock itself in the vase and switch for switching off the pointfollower of the eye.

Dice, computer/robot and pyramids emerge from the vase's surface which moves like water (through flipbook node).

yg nodes: timer to create the event and switch to activate the actions of each symbol.

If approached, the pyramids appear in greater number and turn the interior surface of the vase prickly.

yg node: timer, maybe transform to alter the scale and proportion of the pyramids to make them more pointy.

Computer/robot shows up and starts draging user around. Vase spins on itself.

The computer/robot leaves a trail of wires which thicken like a forest.

Dice grow from wires like fruit.

When dice are thrown, they clear the wires.

index | Julieta | Eleni