And I fell with it. And my heart and mind and body were caught up in a place much, much larger than life. Large as a cathedral is large, as a pyramid, as a sky-scraper, but larger still and not thrusting up but diving into the earth. Water and earth, fecundity and femininity - flexible, malleable, channeled and awesomely pounding.

It seemed a place of power for women; and particularly for those special women, lesbians; and for this young and new lesbian; a place that had always existed and existed now in validation and support of us. And I looked at the other people enjoying Niagara and felt them as penitents and supplicants. Perhaps they had not felt the Sapphic Goddess with their reason, but I saw their spirits open to her freedom and opulence.

And later Linda and I ended up at a little bar in the countryside, where everyone had on plaid shirts and caps and were men. And we sat there and drank beers and ate fish and chips at the bar and watched an American football game on TV. And because Linda explained it to me, the strategies behind what had always appeared so silly - helmeted and quaintly dressed parodies of manhood running into each other and pushing - became apparent. And I appreciated more and more of life , of football, of bars, of my new relationship, of lesbian love.

Other memories jogged by this photo. This Photo. All the Photos

Girl Trail

Alternate Navigation Strategies

Photos in Chronological Order


Map/Diagram of Story Elements