One day the consultant walked into the kitchen rolling up his sleeves. He'd had a fight with the owner about exactly what it was he did - from now on he was going to pitch in with us. The next day meetings with the owner about staff morale kept him away.

One morning Winston told me he'd seen Cat on a Hot Tin Roof on the TV the night before, and heard them use the word mendacious which he looked up in the dictionary. At that moment the owner and his consultant came bustling through the kitchen in a frenzy. Something had gone wrong with the egg order; the eggs from Frank's free-range chickens that we advertised so proudly on the menu. The consultant was blaming the girlfriend who should have ordered them. The owner was screeching that the botttom line was we had no eggs. He gave the Rosa, the older Puerta Rican woman who somehow neverg ot beyond the dish-washing stage some money to go buy eggs from the 7-11.

They disappeared, Winston and I considered changing the menus to read Sam's Tortured Chicken Eggs. Then we returned to work. From that day on, Winston and I referred to our workplace as The Mendacious Kitchen.

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