Winston Part Two

Winston didn't say much about the white schoolteacher he was married to, but he showed me pictures of his kids by his first wife who was black. The kids were beautiful and Winston intimated that there were plenty more where those came from. Winston said the writing was on the wall for his first marriage when he found his wife's penis in a drawer. It turned out that she had been cheating on him with women all along. I never did get around to coming out to Winston.

One day he grabbed my breast- I backed him off but I was astonished. I was so so drab and invisible at that time and that's how I wanted it. To my alarm his eyes began to shine with delight when he saw me. It seemed that Winston wanted to fall in love again. It was a little tense in the kitchen until a new girl arrived and Winston fell in love with her. But then I missed him, and our sweet talking friendship.

Other memories jogged by this photo. Further memories . This Photo. All the Photos

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