Attempted Solutions?

Laurel's IF, Interactive Fantasy System - proposed using agents. One agent would oversee the plot developement like a director, others would interact with the user like characters. I have not found a place where this moves from theory to full-blown practise. The Oz Project has used her theories in their developement of artificial agents and natural-language test generation.

However clever the underpinnings the actual interaction is not gripping. In terms of a full and free interaction, swopping base-ball cards or gaining the trust of a cat are still fairly limited.

Other agent stuff.

Agents seem to run into the same problems as AI robots; CP30-like humanoid complexity is very difficult. My lay-person's understanding of AI is that they are now either creating smart "machines" that perform a specific function (or smart houses), or trying to use some iteractive function to create complexity from more simple bases - kinda like the real-life simulators.

Interactive Theatre on the Web?

move the goal