Interactive Theater and TV

There's a lot of interactivity out there:

The theatre, - from Ionesco to Tony and Tina's Wedding
Magic acts and hypnotist shows
Game shows
Talk shows
Reality based TV (Cops) -

There's something intriguing and slightly dangerous when the entertainment experience includes the potential audience. As clearly the perameters of any particular show control and limit what can really happen.

You don't get to be Tina. Game Shows have clear rules and norms that are policed in the studio - the audience is coached in acting excited and crazy etc. But there is excitement here, people like you or me could get hurt - there's a leakage between entertainment and reality vis. people being treated for trauma after baring all on talk shows (a sort of modern version of throwing Christians to Lions.)

This kind of interactivity does not imply control by the inter-actor ( which may add to the excitement.) And there is a continuum between interaction and voyeurism - the audience may be thrilled and happy at being called up to partake in a magic show, but less thrilled to appear on Cops. (Say do they get releases from all those poor people? - and if they

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