Josephine Anstey Nine Seminar AH 563

Virtual Reality Experience Form

This is an informal Virtual Reality survey.
Answer as many or as few questions as you choose.
Josephine Anstey is a student at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory. How often have you experienced virtual reality?? (pick below)

If you answered "Never", please describe your expectations of VR.

Otherwise, what kind of VR have you experienced?? (pick below)

Which did you prefer?? (pick below)


What do you think is the most important quality for VR?? (pick below)

What kind of applications have you seen in VR?? (pick below)

What is the most successful application you've seen?

Please describe it.

Do you work with VR?? (pick below)

If you answered "yes", please describe your work.

Do you think VR enhances reality?? (pick below)


Do you think VR is potentially dangerous?(pick below)


Do you think VR is commercially viable?(pick below)


Do you think VR enhances scientific discovery?(pick below)


Do you think VR enhances culture?(pick below)


Your Name

Your Email Address


Please any other comments about this survey, VR or yourself here:

Click to submit your message.

Click to clear your message and start over.