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The Thing Growing - Sound-Dialog

Voice Over
Thing in Pit
4 Things

After Rox Chase the User - Dialog to return us to TeachDance

Action Dialog Name Processed Time
AEC version diatribe afterRoxChase.aiff 58.8
laughter of diatribe afterRoxChase1.aiff 8.27
diatibe of diatribe afterRoxChase2.aiff 50.6
Peers at User
under Rock
Oh hallo, what are you doing under there. It's not a very good idea. It's dripping acid on you - you know - so it can - um - eat you. afterRoxChase1.aifc 15.7
Walks around Ha ha ha - you're trapped and it serves you right. afterRoxChase2.aifc 7.11
Walked around If you'd only cared for me, when I was offering you all my love. afterRoxChase3.aifc 6.47
Peers If you're to nice to me, I can get you out. - OK? afterRoxChase4.aifc 3.6
Magic Gesture -
Removes Rock
Allez-oop - begone afterRoxChase5.aifc 2.45
Restarts dance That's better - now everything's back the way it was. Can you remember our dance? Lets start from the beginning!
(has a bad ending)
afterRoxChase6.aifc 7.25
Restarts dance That's better - now everything's back the way it was. Can you remember our dance? Lets start again! afterRoxChase7aifc 7.95