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The Thing Growing - Miscellaneous - Fall 96/Spring 97

So far I have done one draft of this project - an open GL CAVE project. Basically I started it with little sense of organization and hoped that doing it would give me a better sense of how I need to be thinking organizationally. I am presently embarking on draft two, which will be in Performer.

The java animation above was snapshotted from the CAVE simulator. The green thing is a mathematically computed spring, which I wanted to use as an eye-stalk. That never got implemented, but I hope at some point to use the spring classes/library that Alan Millman of this lab did his thesis work on, to impart movement to my Thing.

In here you'll find a mess of working notes.

Miscellaneous Notes

First Env - thing catches, nav then turns on
When nav on the walls move and trap - (catch head?)

Second Env - fall thru floor if don't do what thing says

Third Env - the game - you are referred to as "that one"
"Pairs" play - platforms in space - goal to get to the top, all are shooting, if shot, fall to bottom and "pair" broken up - a sort of elementary chess/backgammon something about being 2 together keeps you safe
What if the "pairs" are one human and one thing -> "bees" buzzing out of a head cadaverous "human" who whispers that its awful, ecstatic one whispers its good

Narrative and Interaction

This is where I came in. Before becoming an MFA student at EVL, I was a writer and video-maker, very interested in narrative. This Thing Growing project is based on a sci-fi story I have a couple of drafts of. This is my meanderings on how to have interactive narrative and my first proposal of the thing.


My first attempt to story-board this project - my reach in terms of ideas so far out-stripped my grasp that it is not funny! This is a text-based story board -hmmmm.

Script - Ish

This is where I'm at - its a quick re-assessment of the GL project and the beginning of my thoughts on the Performer Project.

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