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The Thing Growing - Schedule II - May 98

original schedule

Fall/Winter 97
Jan/Feb 98

Need to refine rox chase - not really getting sense of being chased.

Mar 98

The voice experiment is my voice doubled with one of the voices
shifted in pitch. Not convinced this is a final solution.

  • Contacted AEC directly about showing in the CAVE at the festival and also sent the video to Jutta, Gerfried and Horst
  • Planning and Programming Brain
  • Guerilla VR proposal accepted for SIGGRAPH Digital Pavilions
  • Asked to send more info to cyberstar
  • Made sound bites and motion capture for the Thing teaching the
    user the dance sequence.
May 98
  • Sam on board to revise the rox sequence, models first then code to make it work on the I-Desk.
  • Abhinav to help with networking code and interface for second user - Sam has code for menu stuff that will stay on the front of the screen.
  • Sound - need to finish processing the soundfiles I already made for the teachdance sequence. And refix the ones I already processed so that the angry and manic ones are louder than the happy and depressed ones.
  • Sound - need to record sound for the beginning of the teach dance sequence (storyboard 7 ) and also for the very end when the thing flies off in a huff. (storyboard 9 - 10)
  • Need to motion capture actions to go with sounds - fix tgRecorder to make this all more automatic
  • Tail - need to process files and motion capture appropriate tail movements for each action
  • Code - need GlobalBodyDCS, Flasher -Dave to put event messaging into xpSound and don't forget I need to be able to make a tgNavigator
  • AEC - check to see if videotape arrived
June 98
  • Finish sound and motion capture for storyboard 1 - 13
  • Focus on moment when Thing starts interaction with user, starts to teach the dance - must be clear and forceful!
  • Networking code and interface for second user - the controller
    What will controller do prior to Thing's appearance and during rox chase?
  • Rox Chase code that works on I-Desk
  • Some version of tgEmotion, tgChecker, tgUserInfo
  • sound - more experiments if time
July 98
Aug 98
  • If AEC - finish tgEmotion, userInfo, Checker
  • Working CAVE version for AEC - storyboard 1 - 13
Sept ->
  • AEC?
Fall/Winter 98/9
  • If the voice is not done - do it
  • Program/model etc second part of story
  • Refine Brain
  • Refine visuals
  • Apply to more competitions
  • Write and submit articles
Spring 99
  • Show