


Isosurface Generation Using VTK




VTK Basics



3.5.1. Creating the Pipeline


This pipeline will take input from a file with volumetric data which has dimensions of 256x256x577 with individual unsigned 16-bit units.  Because of the inherent flaws with the technology used to generate this data, it is necessary to extract a region that does not show the machine or table used to generate this data.  Also, it will be useful to select a range of slices to view at one time instead of the entire body.  For performance reasons, the data should be able to be subsampled to achieve better interactive performance.  Additionally, it would be nice to view any single region of the entire dataset.  This volumetric data should be viewable using any isosurface value.  So, once the region of interest is extracted, a specific isosurface value of the dataset should be chosen to view.  By itself, this isosurface will be invisible unless some additional configuration occurs.  For this reason, the user should be able to choose any color and amount of opacity of the surface.  In order to get better interactive performance when manipulating the model, it might be helpful to have the model have a lower level of details.


One of the challenges with any VTK project is taking the text description and translating it into the necessary VTK classes and the order in which they are assembled.  One should note that as different classes are discussed, the ordering of the function calls and class assemblies is not important (well, for better clarity of code, a programmer should arrange the code in order of the pipeline flow from start to end) as long as the same end result is achieved.  Over the next few sections, this pipeline will be constructed by deconstructing the above description.



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