Project 2, CS 526: Allan Spale (



This program was written using Python 2.1, VTK 4.2, and Tkinter (a Python module that supports GUI widgets) and allows a user to visualize predefined datasets of the Visible Woman.  The files for the project are simply  To run the program, type the following: python  Since Python is an interpreted language, there is no need to compile; although there is an ability to compile a Python script to decrease the startup time.  The program meets most of the basic requirements for displaying the requested visualizations.  Some additional functionality was provided which will be described in the next section.




The sources of information used to create this code include the following:

·        Python in a Nutshell, ISBN 0596001886 (used source as guideline to construct GUI classes)

·        VTK Book, ISBN 1930934076

·        Websites

o       An Introduction to Tkinter

o       VTK Docs

o       Python Docs

·        VTK Tk/Tcl example code

·        Recommendations and suggestions of other classmates




The GUI for this program is a bit better than the first project.  However, there were some difficulties with getting stuff to appear as it should.  To simplify storing properties for the VTK actors, the data was stored in the class used to create the dialog windows.  Because it was not as straightforward as it seemed to make a fully functional modal dialog window and to keep the data persistent, the dialog windows appear as soon as the program begins.  They are accessible via the menu or the task bar, but they may not be closed at any time lest that dialog box not appear again.  An improvement over the last project was to increase the font size of the widget objects in order to make them more readable.  Unfortunately, this is counterbalanced with some odd alignment with the label value that describes the value of the slider.  Also related to the slider is that fine-grained control regardless of the range of values is too-fined grained.  That is, each mouse click in the non-button area of the slider click moves the slider a value of 1.  However, moving the slider varies depending on the range of values for that particular slider.


Generally, the program still generally functions as one would expect without too many surprises.  Using some combination of dataset and visualization selections, it may be possible for the opacity function to stop working and/or contours get a bit “noisy”.  For this reason, the author recommends going in menu order (head: isosurface, raycast-composite, raycast-mip, feet: isosurface, raycast-composite, raycast-MIP).  This may have been an anomaly that cannot be repeated, but for effective evaluation of the visualizations, it is recommended that the user follows the above order.


To simplify matters, the Female.raw file’s location was hard-coded to appear in the current directory where the Python program resides.  In order to update the visualization, it is necessary to click in the rendering window.  It seemed fairly certain that a recommendation from my classmate would have fixed the problem on how to code this properly; unfortunately, this was not the case. 


One other glaring problem occurs with visualizing the feet dataset with raycasting.  There is some odd clipping that occurs such that the feet cannot be “zoomed into” directly.  For this reason, it is best to first visualize the feet using the isosurface visualization, and then change to one of the raycast visualizations of the feet.  If the feet remain along the edges when zooming in, this dataset will be better controlled.  It seems that when a sampling rate is used other than 1 (worked in the author’s test for 3, 3, 1), the clipping problem seemed to subside somewhat. 


By default, the joystick control style (‘j’) is used to control the visualization.  It can be turned off by pressing the ‘t’ key for the trackball style of control. 


There is no serious error checking, but, fortunately, the GUI is presented in such a way as to strongly eliminate any potential “syntax errors” but not logic errors (i.e. forgetting that a surface was set to 0% opacity).


The menus are used in the following manner:



·        Since the file is “hard coded”, the only option here is to quit the program.  To quit the program, either close the “main window” (i.e. the one with the menu) or select Exit.


·        To visualize the data, select two items from the two sections in the Visualization menu.  The available options for the first section are the visualization types which include: Isosurface, Raycast-Composite, and Raycast-MIP (i.e. Maximum Instensity Projection).  The second section selecting the dataset to view— Head or Feet.  Both of these also include a bit more of the body than there names would literally imply.  These menu selections directly control what appears in the visualization, so no dialog window appears for any of these menu selections.  When the program begins, isosurface is the default visualization and head is the default dataset.  More details about the menu are as follows:


o       Isosurfaces uses a marching cubes visualization to display predefined single isovalue.   In this case, bone is determined to be a value of 860.  Skin is determined to be a value of 1250.  This visualization is the easiest to use to experiment with viewing the dataset.


o       Raycast-Composite uses a raycast composite function to visualize the data.  Because of poor performance by selecting a single isovalue, ranges of isovalues are displayed for the skin and bone isosurfaces.  The actual range of isosurfacfes displayed are very counterintuitive and were determined very much by accident.  Nonetheless, they seem to present the best visualization that the author of the program could come up with.  The VTK Piecewise function used for opacity displays a range of values 1250-5000 at increments of 10 for the bone, and range of 860-1060 at increments of 5.  As determined by the author of this program, it is recommended to use an opacity value of 100% for the bone and 5% for the skin.  The VTK Color Transfer function was used for the coloring of the isosurfaces.  The skin used a range of 860-960 at increments of 1, while the bone used a range of 1250-1509 at increments of 1.  The bone appears best when set to RGB value (255,255,255), while skin looks best as an orange flesh-tone (in this author’s simple opinion and considering the fact no one looks orange unless the individual has liver problems) with RGB value (255,140,81).


o       Raycast-MIP uses a raycast maximum intensity projection function to visualize the data.  Again, because of poor performance by selecting a single isovalue, ranges of isovalues are displayed for the skin and bone isosurfaces.  The author was unable to get a suitable visualization for the bone that allows the features of the bone to appear.  Rather, it appears more as a “solid silhouette” from all angles.  The VTK Piecewise function used for opacity displays a range of values 1250-5000 at increments of 1 for the bone, and range of 860-870 at increments of 1.  As determined by the author of this program, it is recommended to use an opacity value of 70% for the bone and 50% for the skin.  The VTK Color Transfer function was used for the coloring of the isosurfaces.  The skin used a range of 860-870 at increments of 1, while the bone used a range of 1250-5000 at increments of 100.  To keep colors similar to the other raycasting visualization, the author recommends using an RGB value (255,255,255) for the bone and an RGB value (255,140,81) for the skin.


o       Head will display slices 0-100 from the entire dataset.


o       Feet will display slices 500-576 from the entire dataset.


·        To change some of the options of how the dataset, select an item from the Options menu.


o       Dataset Properties allows the user to change the RGB and opacity values a selected isosurface/tissue— bone or skin.  As a benefit for the user, the current values selected for red, green, and blue are blended together for the user to see.  Please note, when the user is done using this dialog box, it should be minimized and not closed in order to avoid losing the dialog window completely.  Also it is important to know that changes are updated when the user clicks in the visualization portion of the main window. 


o       Global Level of Detail, allows the user to change the sampling rate of the length (x-axis) and width (y-axis) of the slice in addition to the number of slices (z-axis) used to define the model.  The values for setting each of the axes range from 1-8.  Since the dimensions of the entire dataset is 256x256x577, selecting a value results in dividing the resolution for that axis by the value for the slider.  These values can be set independently of one another.  To somewhat reduce the unpleasantness of sampling, a polygon smoothing function is used by the render to smooth the surfaces, regardless of what sampling values are used.




There is a class that takes care of all of the rendering.  In the constructor part of this class, all of the visualization pipeline parts are created.  Objects mapped to the renderer are usually done in a way appropriate for the visualization.  Below is the contruction of the pipelines:



readerVolume [vtkImageReader]


 +-- voiFeet [vtkExtractVOI]

 |    |

 |    +-- mapperCompFeet [vtkVolumeRayCastMapper]

 |    |    |

 |    |    +-- SetVolumeRayCastFunction

 |    |         |

 |    |         +-- compositeFunction [vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction]

 |    |

 |    +-- mapperMIPFeet [vtkVolumeRayCastMapper]

 |    |    |

 |    |    +-- SetVolumeRayCastFunction

 |    |         |

 |    |         +-- compositeFunctionMIP [vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction]

 |    |

 |    +-- contourBoneFeet [vtkMarchingCubes]

 |    |    |

 |    |    +-- geoVolumeBone [vtkPVGeometryFilter]

 |    |         |

 |    |         +-- geoBoneMapper [vtkPolyDataMapper]

 |    |              |

 |    |              +-- actorBone [vtkLODActor]

 |    |

 |    +-- contourSkinFeet [vtkMarchingCubes]

 |         |

 |         +-- geoVolumeSkin [vtkPVGeometryFilter]

 |              |

 |              +-- geoSkinMapper [vtkPolyDataMapper]

 |                   |

 |                   +-- actorSkin [vtkLODActor]



 +-- voiHead [vtkExtractVOI]

 |    |

 |    +-- mapperCompHead [vtkVolumeRayCastMapper]

 |    |    |

 |    |    +-- SetVolumeRayCastFunction

 |    |         |

 |    |         +-- compositeFunction [vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction]

 |    |

 |    +-- mapperMIPHead [vtkVolumeRayCastMapper]

 |    |    |

 |    |    +-- SetVolumeRayCastFunction

 |    |         |

 |    |         +-- compositeFunctionMIP [vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction]

 |    |

 |    +-- contourBoneHead [vtkMarchingCubes]

 |    |    |

 |    |    +-- geoVolumeBone [vtkPVGeometryFilter]

 |    |         |

 |    |         +-- geoBoneMapper [vtkPolyDataMapper]

 |    |              |

 |    |              +-- actorBone [vtkLODActor]

 |    |

 |    +-- contourSkinTop [vtkMarchingCubes]

 |         |

 |         +-- geoVolumeSkin [vtkPVGeometryFilter]

 |              |

 |              +-- geoSkinMapper [vtkPolyDataMapper]

 |                   |

 |                   +-- actorSkin [vtkLODActor]



volumePropertyComp [vtkVolumeProperty]


 +-- SetScalarOpacity

 |    |

 |    +-- opacityFunctionComp [vtkPiecewiseFunction]


 +-- SetColor


      +-- colorTransferFunctionComp [vtkColorTransferFunction]



volumeComp [vtkVolume]


 +-- SetMapper

 |    |

 |    +-- mapperCompHead [vtkVolumeRayCastMapper]

 |    |

 |    +-- mapperCompFeet [vtkVolumeRayCastMapper]


 +-- SetProperty


      +-- volumePropertyComp [vtkVolumeProperty]


volumePropertyMIP [vtkVolumeProperty]


 +-- SetScalarOpacity

 |    |

 |    +-- opacityFunctionMIP [vtkPiecewiseFunction]


 +-- SetColor


      +-- colorTransferFunctionMIP [vtkColorTransferFunction]



volumeMIP [vtkVolume]


 +-- SetMapper

 |    |

 |    +-- mapperMIPHead [vtkVolumeRayCastMapper]

 |    |

 |    +-- mapperMIPFeet [vtkVolumeRayCastMapper]


 +-- SetProperty


      +-- volumePropertyMIP [vtkVolumeProperty]




Please note, the images taken here were before polygon smoothing was added to the program.

Opening screenshot


Surface properties dialog


Sampling sizes dialog



All images, unless otherwise noted, were taken at the original dataset resolution.

Isosurface of head dataset


Raycasting using a composite function on the head dataset


Raycasting using a maximum intensity projection function on the head dataset


Isosurface of feet dataset


Raycasting using a composite function on the feet dataset


Because of the clipping problem with the feet, here is an enlarged, somewhat out-of-proportion enlargement of the same visualization.


Raycasting using a maximum intensity projection function on the feet dataset (enlarged and not proportionate)


Sampling of the dataset resolution is also possible.  In addition to dividing the resolution by the specified resolutions, here is a ~ 85x85x1 of the head and feet: