
Complete Endnotes

In most cases, you can click on the endnote's number to return to its reference point in the text.

0. "Art History and the Criticism of Computer-Generated Images" by James Elkins; Leonardo, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 335-342; 1994. Page 336.

1. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," by Walter Benjamin.

2. The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster; New York: Random House, 1961.

3. "Mathematics and Art," book review by Bulat M. Galeyev, Leonardo, Vol. ?, No. ?, 1994, page 448. Book Mathematics and Art by A. Voloshinoff. Prosveshenie, Moscow, 1992.

4. "The minute [photography] appeared, it greatly modified both the attitude and the work of the painter. And yet the question of its impact and its status (is it really art?) has not been settled and continues to this day to be the subject of animated debates [p 212]." "Brief Encounters: A Physicist Meets Contemporary Art" by Jean-Marc Levy-Leblond; Leonardo, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 211-217, 1994.

5. Quote from Roger Penrose in "Art and Visual Mathematics" by Michele Emmer; Leonardo, Vol. 27, No 3, pp. 237-240, 1994. Page 237.

6. Albert Einstein, from What I Believe: 13 Eminent People of Our Time Argue for Their Philosophy of Life, New York: Crossroad Publication Company, c1984.

7. Art, Science and Human Progress: the Richard Bradford Trust Lectures edited by R.B. McConnell, London: John Murray, 1983.

8. Virtual-Reality Visualization of Accelerator Magnets, by Milana Huang, David Levine, Michael E. Papka, Larry Turner, and Lauri Kettunen.
Milana Huang's home page: http://www.eecs.uic.edu/~mhuang

9. "Science Icons: The Visualization of Scientific Truths," by Ingrid Kallick-Wakker; Leonardo, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 309-315, 1994. Page 309.

10. "UIC at the Forefront of Computer Technology: Artists and Engineers Collaborate to Produce Cutting-Edge Laboratory" by Rick Asa, UIC in Touch, pp. 12-13, Spring 1995. Page 12.

11. Rudyard Kipling, "The Conundrum of the Workshops;" Rudyard Kipling's Verse, New York: Doubleday Doran and Company, Inc., 1940.

12. George Sand, in a letter to Alexandre Saint-Jean.

13. The Ars Electronica Center in Austria recently purchased a CAVE(TM) from EVL. For information, E-Mail Peter Schoeber at: schoeber@jk.uni-linz.ac.at, or phone 43-732-6900-267.

14. Cave Automatic Virtual Environment(TM)

15. Quoted from Margaret Watson, a Masters of Fine Art candidate at EVL.
Margaret Waston's home page: http://www.evl.uic.edu/watson

16. Quoted from Debra Lowman, a Masters of Fine Art candidate at EVL.
Debra Lowman's home page: http://www.evl.uic.edu/lowman

17. Quoted from Maria Roussou, who is pursuing both a Masters of Fine Arts and a Masters of Science at EVL.

18. "CAVEs, ImmersaDesks and NII/Walls," Access, NCSA, Summer 1995.

19. "The Great Virtual Reality Circus" was conceived as James Barr's Masters of Fine Art thesis show.

20. "An Interactive Virtual Environment for Finite Element Analysis," by Shannon Bradshaw, Thomas Canfield, John Kokinis, and Terrence Disz of the Argonne National Laboratory, IL. Published in the Proceedings of High Performance Computing 1995 "Grand Challenges in Computer Simulation," Phoenix, AZ, April 9-13, 1995.

21. Paul Valery, in "Conquest of Ubiquity," from Aesthetics, Translated by Ralph Manheim; New York: Pantheon Books, Bollingen Series, 1964. Page 225.

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Last modified 14 February 1997