Video Formats
What's the (color) Difference?

    YIQ the color space used in NTSC. The Ycomponent is a black and white image. The I (in-phase) and Q(quadrature) parts are a color overlay .



    H is Hue or phase of the color, S is saturation, or the amount of color. B is Brightness, L is Luminance, and V is Value. V,B,and L are generally all the same and represent the darkness to lightness.
    YUV the color space used for PAL(and often NTSC). U and V are the color components.
    YDrDb the color system used for SECAM. Y represents luminance. Dr and Db are used to determine the color.
    YCrCb Color space used for the CCIR601. Y represents luminance. Cr and Cb are scaled versions of the U and V used in YUV.
    YPrPb The color space used in the HDTV production standard. Y represents luminance. Pr and Pb are gamma-corrected color components.