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Electronic Visualization Lab Home

CS 422 @ UIC
User Interface Design and Programming

Spring 2015
Instructor: G.Elisabeta Marai (gmarai@uic.edu)
Mon Wed Fri 10am-10:50am
BSB 319




Class Information

Collaboration Policy



Piazza Q&A






Make a Website

Make an Interactive Website

About CS 422

CS 422 -- User Interface Design -- will be offerred again Spring 2015. For this edition of the course, students will be expected to do some web programming (HTML, CSS, PHP, JQuery). It's the easiest way we know to program user interfaces. If you are not familiar with web progamming, you may still take the class. Be prepared, however, to invest a bit of learning effort on your own in the first two weeks, using the tutorials linked under Resources.

In this course we will be using Piazza for class discussion. The quicker you begin asking questions on Piazza (rather than via emails), the quicker you'll benefit from the collective knowledge of your classmates and instructors. We encourage you to ask questions when you're struggling to understand a concept—you can even do so anonymously. If you are registered for this course, we have already sent you an invitation to Piazza. Please log in as soon as possible, your first homework (hw0: Introduce yourself) has already been posted there.

The class schedule, the assigned readings, and the course assignments are (and will continue to be) posted through the class syllabus and through Piazza.


By the end of this class, students will be able to:

  • create an interactive website that respects visual perception principles

  • design and implement a user interface that is useful, usable and does not blatantly violate principles of human computer interaction

  • interview users to extract requirements for user interfaces

  • analyze and present the user requirements

  • use parallel design and prototyping techniques

  • do a usability study

  • work effectively as a team

  • communicate orally effectively

  • listen effectively

  • give and receive feedback effectively