WiggleView : Visualizing Large Seismic Datasets

December 6th, 2002

Categories: Applications, MS / PhD Thesis, Visualization

Nayak Presents Wiggleview at AGU’s Fall Meeting
Nayak Presents Wiggleview at AGU’s Fall Meeting


Nayak, A., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Russo, R., Morin, P., Laughbon, C., Ahern T.


Wiggleview is a tool for visualizing seismic data collected from a worldwide network of seismometers. The visualization consists of overlaying familiar 2D seismic traces recorded for the N-S, E-W and vertical components of the earth’s displacement over the topographic map of the affected area. In addition, a 3D particle trace consisting of the integration of these 3 components provides a depiction of how an object placed at a particular seismic recording station would shake at the instant of the event. Data for the seismic events is obtained from repositories maintained by IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) at the Data Management Center, Seattle Washington.




Nayak, A., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Russo, R., Morin, P., Laughbon, C., Ahern T., WiggleView : Visualizing Large Seismic Datasets, American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. <em>AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U61A-0007</em>, San Francisco, California, December 6th, 2002.