Jam florida's music magazine #296, by Stefanie Kalem
This second release from Chicago's Boom Hank has actually been gestating
since some time in 1998, and it sounds it. Brooding vocals, intricate guitar
and percussion, and impossible layers of noise (everything from car traffic
to a house fan to a bike chain) combine to make a complex ambient slice of
indie rock - a great record for a cold afternoon spent inside thinking,
sculpting or making love. The vocals recall a mixture of Guided By Voices'
Bob Pollard (minus the British pretensions) and J. Mascis (Dinosaur Jr)
though the syrupy slow pace of songs like "Passing Through," "Waiting for
What" and "Extinguisher Eyes" evoke the music of only the latter, and only in
their "sheer" instrumental thickness. "Canvas Triplets" is a sunny, stoned
masterwork, with snapping percussion, a backwards-masked chorus break, and a
closing section that sounds like two very different guitars getting to know
one another via pounds of skronk and fuzz, against a jazzy piano backdrop.
Chicago Tribune Online's Metromix, by Marty Behm
Always a risky venture, returning to the scene of the crime becomes even more
daring when there's someone else's fingerprints there. In Boom Hank's case,
their rap sheet seemed to have been written with the fairly straight ahead
rock of the 1995 Brad Wood-produced album "Nuisance." Encouragingly, though,
the band has allowed itself to be incriminated through Perishable Records'
soundmeister Brian Deck, resulting in a scuzzily organic morning stretch of
an album that recalls the work of Deck's cohorts Red Red Meat while resisting
mimickry. Boom Hank keeps their guard up through "Ishly's" first track,
"Warm," but the straying really starts with "Dimple" and "Waiting For What."
Vocals, when recognizable, take a back seat in Boom Hank's orchestra, and if
the results flirt dangerously with art-rock, so be it. The pieces really come
together on "Canvas Triplets," an inspiring layering of guitar riffs,
chant-like singing and percussion, while tracks like "Passing Through" and
"Strung Along," seemingly aptly named at first, swell with repeated listens.
"Ishly," while not entirely new for Boom Hank, is strangely refreshing.
Aiding and Abetting, March 6th, 2000
"Generally influenced by emo and noise pop, Boom Hank has this arty
streak which leads it into some adventurous sounds. The songs are often
not particularly viscerally appealing, relying more on an arresting
intellectual reaction. And if you carry that bag as much as I do, well,
Boom Hank has plenty to offer. The ramblings rarely get tedious; rather,
there is a transcendent beauty which emerges as the disc plays. Skipping
through will not achieve this effect. You've gotta commit. Hell, that's
what music like this is all about, anyway. There are little switches in
the brain that have to be turned on in a particular way, and they can't
be flipped at once. But as soon as the music has zapped those synapses,
well, there's no hope for recovery. Yeah, I know, you've gotta think
about this stuff. If you can't hack that, then go find something else.
Boom Hank has crafted a loopy little masterpiece."
Eye Magazine.com by, Lisa Crosby
Since 1989, Chicago band Boom Hank has produced scratchy guitar pop songs
that are earthy and bluesy. Unpretentious and a little raw around the edges,
Boom Hank comes off as truly genuine about their music. Reminiscent of a
young Mudhoney, mellow vocals are laid over tight guitar riffs that are best
when allowed to ramble off and culminate in a blistering psychedelic fuzz.
IMPACT press, April-May '00
This album is like running a marathon. It starts out fast and full of energy,
and consistently slows down, until it is completely out of energy. This is not
necessarily a putdown, for the CD is enjoyable. There are layers upon layers of
noises ranging from bottles and cans to buckets of gravel, all hovering just
loud enough to be heard but not very recognizable. Harmonies fly over lush
soulful guitars to create beautiful songs.
Illinois Entertainer April 2000
"Life on the post-Nevermind ranch was obsessed with the loud/soft
dynamic that helped make that record such a storied document.
Unfortunately, along with that enthusiasm came a host of hacks whose
imitation disguised as emulation watered down the original ideas and
ultimately ushered in the death of grunge. And while Boom Hank is
certainly not trying to be a flannel heir apparent, they are guilty of
employing similar tactics. The fact that they somehow manage to avoid
the cliches that sunk so many other pretenders is precisely what makes
them contenders.
Instead of accenting said approach with polished production, the nine
tracks on here are mired in a murky, underwater, cellophane vibe that
adds a cavernous, mysterious environment to what are essentially
straight-up pop songs. The vocals on "Warm" originate off in the
distance, encouraged to approach by delicate guitar and unidentified
noises until the proceedings crash violently into a non-chorus chorus
then sink away as quietly as they arrived. "Passing Through" is equally
impressive, basking itself in sloppy patience and a subversive,
propulsive hook.
Sometimes too much ambition does tarnish the material. "Waiting For
What," at just over nine minutes, overstays its welcome, while the super
brief "Homemade Absynthe" offers up nothing but filler. All things
considered, these are minor missteps. Like R.E.M.'s Murmur, whose
aesthetic and attitude is shared by this disc, Boom Hank manage to make
you listen long enough to not forget what you've heard and give you just
enough to make you go back and look for what you might have missed the
first time."
Rayolux, Chicago, IL.
"...Want a band completely without pretentiousness who just play honest
heartfelt rock and roll? ...BOOM HANK plays fast, fun and irreverent pop
music with sizeable slabs of guitar and bass. ...These guys are the
musical equivalent of a beer: full-bodied, all-natural ingredients, with
no watered-down taste."
Austin Chronicle, Austin, TX.
"Rootsy guitar pop featuring some [guys] who evidently have a real flair for
songwriting. Their Pravda release Nuisance has enough meat on
its bones to feed a family of four for at least a week, maybe longer."
Cake, Minneapolis, MN.
"...Strong songs played with passion and energy. ...This is a guitar
record and a good one at that. ...It's a little bluesy, a little
country, and a whole lot rock 'n' roll -- all further proof that the
genre is not dead. ...They take all sorts of brawny guitars and mix them
with odd little curlicues and distorted filigrees, and anchor it with a
bedrock solid rhythm section. ...Perhaps the rarest thing about
Nuisance is that it gets better with repeated listening as the
songs burrow their way into your brain like those worms that Ricardo
Montalban had in the second Star Trek movie."
huh?, Santa Monica, CA.
"...BOOM HANK's exuberant guitar pop just cured my hangover -- and for
that i'm grateful. It's been a long time since's a pop album's come out
with as much energy and wut as the opening 'Do You Feel Strange,' or the
ode to touring 'Gilly.'" (rated 8 out of 10)
The Onion, Madison, WI.
"...BOOM HANK sound like a major-label hitmaker. ...Chunky, swollen and
slightly rough around the edges."
IndieStreet, Dallas, TX.
"...I really dig BOOM HANK. Twelve tracks of tight, kick-ass guitar
rock and roll. ...BOOM HANK know how to get you all riled up. ...A great
band full of great songwriting skills that are very apparent on
Ouch!, Cincinatti, OH.
"...BOOM HANK bellies up to the same bar as latter period Mats/Huskers
for a double shot of metalic buzz pop. ...Everyone of these songs
manages to stick in the head long after the disc has finished."
Car Audio and Electronics,Woodland Hills, CA.
"Nuisance crackles and bristles with the same breathless, feverish
energy of the Bob Stinson-era Replacements, albeit with considerably
more technical proficiency. This is what indie rock sounded like before
the term became a marketing category. The songs are sharp, short and
cut straight to the heart of the matter, leaving little room for self-
indulgence. ...Stump Mahoney and fellow axe-grinder Dave Ashdown have
some sort of telepathic interplay going on; their playing meshes
uneasily, the way it always does in the best guitar bands. The focused
production, cuortesy of celebrated Chi-town knob twister Brad Wood, is
spare and punchy. ...Nuisance is an exuberant, rockin' good time."
(rated 3.5 out of 5)
Riverfront Times, St. Louis, MO.
"...Somewhat of an eclectic 'Americana' sound, pushed to the edge of its
envelope. ...Ragged and unkempt guitars duke it out for your listening
pleasure. ...Their music is comfortably familiar, yet somehow altogether
unique. ...Just when you think you've got them all figured out, BOOM
HANK will pull off a flawless tempo or key change."