Josephine Home Video

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The Apparent Trap 1999 24  mins

The Apparent Trap uses the Walt Disney Film, The Parent Trap, in a meditation about forming identity in relationship to others. The Trap, in this case, is the other person who we try to appropriate, or fear because maybe they are appropriating us; the person we emulate, envy, want to be, don't want to be, hate. 

The identity that Julie is investigating is not only our identity as a subject but our identity as a subject who creates; an artistic identity. And so the tape is also in some ways an homage to video artists who influenced her; a re-enactment and appropriation of their work. 

On top of all this, The Apparent Trap, is sad and nostalgic - perhaps for that time when we are just forming; when we behave badly and thrash around psychically with a certain impunity because we are don't know any other way. 

Josephine Anstey



The Apparent Trap  is currently showing at venues around the country.

The Apparent Trap was directed by Julie Zando.  Josephine Anstey is one of the main performers in the piece.