january 28, 2006

Sounds are implemented:

Textures are implemented:
They present patterns from natural forms that evoke biological and mineral presence, so there is an ambiguity as to how fast or slow the pattern evolution would be: would it be like water, like branches of trees in the wind or over an entire season, or the rocks of a mountain moving very slowly over millions of years, yet moving.

  1. Title
  2. Veins or branches
  3. Eye and mirror
  4. tba
  5. Light in corners

Colors represent both the cycle of a day, or chemical athmospheric changes over ages.

december 6, 2005

Committee meeting notes:

  1. Interface
  2. Texture
  3. Show

november 13, 2005

The orientation of the wand is now attached to the rotation plane axis of the 4D grid. The rotating motion of the 4D plane reveals the degrees of freedom we have in our limbs and help connect the visual changes with the internal motion of our body.

august 18, 2005

Lines are drawn dynamically so the ones closer are thicker than the ones far away.

august 6, 2005

july 30, 2005

april 28, 2005

Committee meeting notes:

  1. Scale
  2. Form
  3. Depth
  4. Navigation
  5. Interface
  6. Appearance
  7. Presentation
  8. Further

april 20, 2005

april 5, 2005

november 18, 2004

  1. I postulate the possibility of using a hyperdimensional grid, to create a gait while navigating it. Polyhedra in hygher dimensions is called polytopes. Polytopes in n dimensions are the hypercube, cross polytope and simplex.
  2. First script is intended to move in tetrahedral steps: from the center of one tetrahedron to the center of the one next to one of its faces.
  3. Both theme and sound needs to be adressed.
  • Dan states that my ideas of having a polytope tessellation of space, the navigation and the movement constraint to a 4D path are original. He suggests a computer scientist helps me create a 4D navigation library.
  • october 4th, 2004

    1. design relevance: grid framework
    2. user experience: filmographic time
    3. programming challenge: camera on design grid
    4. networking relevance: collaboration and common outcome
    5. situation ideas

    september 27, 2004

    1. goals
    2. bibliography
    3. development
    4. committee meetings
    5. production
    6. electronic material