
an interactive video installation about technology and visual literacy

Description of the installation
Materials: video
12" monitor
a cylindrical structure made of cement with a metal lid, 30 1/2" height x 26" diameter
a smaller cylindrical structure made of cement, 22 1/2" height x 18" diameter Both structures
black sand
black pebbles
a porcelain mortar
a glass eye-dropper

In a dark corner of the gallery stood both cylindrical structure resembling a well and the Bending over to look inside, one sees that the bottom of the well consists of a video screen (7 1/8" x 9 3/8") displaying imagery of an eye in extreme close-up. In the image, the eye looks tired and overwhelmed by visual overload and An eye dropper appears periodically to cleanse the eye by dropping liquid into it. The sound of a drop falling in a puddle is then heard. This imagery covers the bottom surface of the well.

cleanse eye
Above the screen (between the viewer and the bottom of the well), a cylindrical, transparent glass container holds water, whose level reaches the tip of the well and contributes to the reflection, distortion and diffusion of the image below.

The viewer of the installation is able to view the eye through the water and may participate in the cleansing process by using the long glass eye dropper, which is placed in the mortar on the second cylindrical structure. The white porcelain mortar is filled with water and sits on a bed of shiny black pebbles. A pin spotlight shines a dramatic circle light to the center of the mortar, drawing attention to the minimal yet slick and somewhat sterile setting.

The water is also sensitive to movement in the surrounding environment, The cylindrical glass container holding the water is sensitive to movement as it is flexibly attached to the structure, thus provoking light movement to the water. The drops also create ripples in the water, contributing to further distortion of the image, in addition to adding to the water volume of the "well".


One would expect the video imagery to be responsive to the actions of the viewer who bends over to drop water in the eye with the eye-dropper. Contrary to this expectation, the viewer does not affect the world of the eye. The eye continues to blink and become flooded by the liquid poured into it, regardless of the viewers attempts to cleanse it.
