- the Alchemy room -

image from alchemy room

The Alchemy room is the first in a series of three rooms (following the Bosch room) that break a familiar by now pattern. These three rooms are not connected by tunnels, just adjacent to each other. Their shape resembles a snail, or the number six, and the material used on the surfaces is dark wood with text and writings on the walls. The tunnels have terminated and we have now reached the final rooms of the labyrinth, the most inner center one could say.

The Alchemy room is the last of the curiosity rooms and perhaps the most "curious" one. Bottles, mortars and pestles, tubes, pipes, boards and other popular chemistry items fill the two tables. Between the tables is a big furnace. On the other side of the room stand two bookholders.
The writings on the walls, the Sephiroth, are the ten names of God as referred to in the Cabala. In medieval thinking, as practiced by alchemists, each of the names was associated with one of the planets (Spheres):

Sephiroth Spheres
Kether (the Supreme) Primum mobile
Hokhmah (Wisdom) Eighth sphere
Binah (Intelligence) Saturn
Hesod (Love or Mercy) Jupiter
Gevurah (Power and Wrath) Mars
Rahimin (Compassion) Sol
Netsch (Eternity) Venus
Hod (Majesty) Mercury
Yesod (Basis) Luna
Malakuth (Kingdom or Glory) Elements

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