
Creator: Dave Swoboda

Description: A walk-through of virtual architectural spaces.

Pointing the wand left/right (relative to the direction you're facing) turns the CAVE.
Button 1 moves the CAVE forward. The CAVE's motion will slow to a halt when you release the button.
The green boxes are teleporters. Entering them takes you to the next in the series of spaces.

Special notes:
Requires version 2.2 of vss for sound localization.
The environment variable DS_SOUND_DIR can be used to define the directory containing the sound samples; the default is /usr/CAVE/audio_demos/dig/ENVIRONMENTS/SOUND/. The environment variable DS_DATA_DIR can be used to define the directory containing the texture maps; the default is /usr/local/CAVE/demos/dig/ENVIRONMENTS/PICTURES/.

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Last modified 22 April 1996.
Dave Pape, pape@evl.uic.edu