Utility Programs

Makefile - Makefile for the following programs.


Usage: pfbounds objectfile [objectfile ...]

Source code: pfbounds.cxx

pfbounds will compute and print the bounding box of each object given on the command line. This can be useful for checking the size of an object, and determining whether it is centered around the proper point. pfbounds also uses pfdPrintSceneGraphStats() to determine the number of triangles in each object.


Usage: pftransform [-t xtrans ytrans ztrans] [-r xrot yrot zrot] [-s scale] [-s3 xscale yscale zscale] infile outfile

Source code: pftransform.cxx

pftransform will transform an object - translating, rotating, and/or scaling it - and save the transformed object back out in a new file. The -t option translates the model; -r rotates by the given Euler angles; -s does a uniform scale, while -s3 scales separately in X, Y, and Z. The transformation is done using a matrix created from a pfCoord for the translation and rotation, with the scaling pre-multiplied. Hence the order for the transformations is that used for a pfCoord; the order of the options on the command line has no effect.

Last modified 14 March 1997.
Dave Pape, pape@evl.uic.edu