Visualizing Targeted Audiences

May 27th, 2014

Categories: Visualization

Screen shots of Hax’s social spread interface which lets users view the social groups of their potentially interested audiences
Screen shots of Hax’s social spread interface which lets users view the social groups of their potentially interested audiences


Savage, S., Forbes, A. G., Toxtli, C., McKenzie, G., Desai, S. M., Hollerer, T.


Users of social networks can be passionate about sharing their political convictions, art projects, or business ventures. They often want to direct their social interactions to certain people in order to start collaborations or to raise awareness about issues they support. However, users generally have scattered, unstructured information about the characteristics of their audiences, making it difficult for them to deliver the right messages or interactions to the right people. Existing audience-targeting tools allow people to select potential candidates based on predefined lists, but the tools provide few insights about whether or not these people would be appropriate for a specific type of communication. We introduce an online tool, Hax, to explore instead the idea of using interactive data visualizations to help people dynamically identify audiences for their different sharing efforts. We provide the results of a preliminary empirical evaluation that shows the strength of the idea and points to areas for future research.




Savage, S., Forbes, A. G., Toxtli, C., McKenzie, G., Desai, S. M., Hollerer, T., Visualizing Targeted Audiences, C. Rossitto, L. Ciolfi, D. Martin, and B. Conein, editors, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP), Nice, France, Springer International Publishing, pp. 17-34, May 27th, 2014.