[ t e a c h i n g ]

AD406 Introduction to 3-Dimensional Computer Animation Monday and Wednesday 4:00pm - 6:40pm
ALH 3112 - Newspace
Instructor: Ralph De Stefano

Prerequisite: One semester of AD406 - Introduction to 3-Dimensional Modeling or equivalent experience.

This course will explore topics in 3-Dimensional computer animation; students learn a variety of techniques for making animated films including Inverse Kinematics, deformation animation, constraint based animation, and keyframe animation. Lectures will also cover all levels of animation production from story development, through animation, to the finished render.

Students are encouraged and expected to pursue areas of interest and explore ideas throughout the course.


Course Outline
Lecture Notes

References and Resources

Copyright © 1999 ralph de stefano. all rights reserved. reproduction without permission is prohibited. last modified january 9, 1999