Virtual Temporal Bone

A Performer CAVELib-based collaborative demonstration of the temporal bone

The original Virtual Temporal Bone application was written using OpenGL and operated strictly on the ImmersaDesk. It was rewritten as part of a course project. The application used CAVERNsoft to handle networking between multiple users. Porting the code to Performer allowed it to execute immersively within the CAVE.

Figure 1: Application Startup.

The startup title is taken from the original application, but it has been packaged into the proper Performer graphics nodes. Each user is repsesented with a different colored arrow as a pointer. The name and host of the user are displayed as well.

Figure 2: Bone view.

Here the view has been changed so that the inner bones are visisible.

Figure 3: Ossicles indication.

Further manipulation displays the tiny ossicles bone. This bone is the one which beats against the ear drum to create vibrations interpreted by the brain as sound.

Figure 4: Penny for scale.

This final view has a to-scale model of a US penny. The ear drum and ossicles bones are visble adjacent to the coin.

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